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how to setup virtuell webserver with own cgi-bin directory ?

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how to setup virtuell webserver with own cgi-bin directory ?


I have a webserver with SuSE 8.2 and Apache 1.3.27 .
There are many virtuell webserver.

But every virtuell webserver should have own cgi-bin directory.
How can I do that ?

Happy New Year !
Paul Cross_1
Respected Contributor

Re: how to setup virtuell webserver with own cgi-bin directory ?

Happy new year Chris, are you using apache?
Paul Cross_1
Respected Contributor

Re: how to setup virtuell webserver with own cgi-bin directory ?

oops, duh. read the question paul...
You can use the virtual host directives in the httpd.conf to set up multiple servers with separate document roots, cgi-bins, etc. 1.3.27 is a bit old though, and the configs have changed since then, you will want to refer to http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/core.html#virtualhost
Super Advisor

Re: how to setup virtuell webserver with own cgi-bin directory ?

Hi pcross

You're right !
Apache 1.3.27 is quite old.
So I've deinstalled it and installed
Apache 2-2.0.44

But how can I create own cgi-bin directories
by Apache 2.0 ?

kind regards
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: how to setup virtuell webserver with own cgi-bin directory ?

the directives are the same Chris.

Here are some examples.

Scriptalias /cgi-bin/ "/home/itool/cgi-bin/"

# slashes are important ....

Virtual networking example.

Serveradmin someone@isnamerica.com
Documentroot /home/webusers/isn/htdocs
Servername monitor.isnamerica.com:80
Scriptalias /cgi-bin/ "/home/isn/cgi-bin/"

The only directive difference that I'm aware of between apache 1.3 and apache 2.x is the :80 on the server name.

I've left out the items in my configuration that are irralavent in my mind.

Hope I helped.

Steven E Protter
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