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Problems When Trying to Run "pptpconfig" (No Such File...)

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Fred G. Claypool, Jr.
Frequent Advisor

Problems When Trying to Run "pptpconfig" (No Such File...)

Hi there,

I'm trying to follow the SourceForge instructions for installing a PPTP client on my SuSE Linux 64-bit 9.2 laptop, but I'm running into problems.

(The URL for the SourceForge instructions is http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-suse-92.phtml)

Anyway, I've installed the three programs they mention, and now I'm trying to run pptpconfig for the first time. I'm receving these error messages:


Warning: dl(): Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php-pcntl/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/php_gtk.so' - libglade.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in /usr/bin/pptpconfig.php on line 31

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: gdkcolor in /usr/bin/pptpconfig.php on line 96


The php_gtk.so file above exists, as does the pptpconfig.php file. I've found libglade.so.0 in /opt/gnome/lib64 as a softlink which points to libglade.so.0.4.2.

I've tried various things, but I simply cannot solve this problem. Does anyone have any ideas?

Experience gained while correcting a previous mistake is the best teacher imaginable!
Fred G. Claypool, Jr.
Frequent Advisor

Re: Problems When Trying to Run "pptpconfig" (No Such File...)


I just had a thought... is it possible that even though I have libglade.so.0 in /opt/gnome/lib64, that I still need the 32-bit version of this shared object file?

Experience gained while correcting a previous mistake is the best teacher imaginable!
Stuart Browne
Honored Contributor

Re: Problems When Trying to Run "pptpconfig" (No Such File...)

Is '/opt/gnome/lib64' listed in '/etc/ld.so.conf' ?

No, you don't need a '32 bit version' of the library. The libraries are supposed to be platform-dependant (which is why there's 32bit and 64bit versions), so the fact that you have the library is good enough.
One long-haired git at your service...
Fred G. Claypool, Jr.
Frequent Advisor

Re: Problems When Trying to Run "pptpconfig" (No Such File...)


Yes... I just checked, and /opt/gnome/lib64 is included within /etc/ld.so.conf.

Any other ideas?

Thanks for your help,
Experience gained while correcting a previous mistake is the best teacher imaginable!
Rick Garland
Honored Contributor

Re: Problems When Trying to Run "pptpconfig" (No Such File...)

On all of the RPM installs the pptp requires, run them through the 'rpm -qa | grep <1,2,3...> to ensure they are installed.

Fred G. Claypool, Jr.
Frequent Advisor

Re: Problems When Trying to Run "pptpconfig" (No Such File...)


Yes, rpm -qa shows them all to be installed:

# rpm -qa | grep -i -e pcntl -e pptpconfig

Since opening this forums posting, I have copied the "libglade.so.0" shared object file from a SuSE 8 server at work. After a bit of tinkering, I got pptpconfig to at least let me enter configuration information once I placed libglade.so.0 into the /opt/gnome/lib64 directory.

However, I still haven't gotten this problem completely solved. After pressing the Start button, after about five seconds, pptpconfig dies with the simple message "Terminated".

Any ideas about that one?

Thanks all,
Experience gained while correcting a previous mistake is the best teacher imaginable!
Rick Garland
Honored Contributor

Re: Problems When Trying to Run "pptpconfig" (No Such File...)

I am at a loss.

I am running pptp from the same URL site (sourceforge) on Fedora Core 3 and I have not had any issues.

New Member

Re: Problems When Trying to Run "pptpconfig" (No Such File...)

I am having the same error message, while installing pptp on SuSE 9.3 32bit. I installed "php4"(PHP Core Files) "php4-devel" "php4-gd" using yast. And it works! I am not sure which packet is vital, but I assume the problem is from missing php class (or include).