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Re: Booting from SAN- EMC Symmetrix Array

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Warren G Landrum
Frequent Advisor

Re: Booting from SAN- EMC Symmetrix Array


DOHHH!!! Thanks for helping me see the obvious!

I just shut the system down, booted off the 8.3 DVD, made an image backup of the local system disk to the SAN disk, added the SAN Disk as a boot option, and booted it! Simple as pie. I was trying to make something hard out of something simple.

But that's why we have this Forum, right - to get more eyes looking at the problems :-)

Good thing this solution wasn't a snake or it would have bit me good !

Again - many thanks !!!

Warren G Landrum
Frequent Advisor

Re: Booting from SAN- EMC Symmetrix Array

Problem solved.

Thanks All !!!
Rob Leadbeater
Honored Contributor

Re: Booting from SAN- EMC Symmetrix Array

Hi Warren,

Does the EMC array have the option to set up an Identifier for the LUN, as you would do on an EVA or HSG ?

I know that's a requirement for VMS on Alphas, so I'd guess that Integrity would be similar...

Hope this helps,


Warren G Landrum
Frequent Advisor

Re: Booting from SAN- EMC Symmetrix Array


The way our department is structured here, I don't actually have direct control or access to the EMC controller or array. I have to go through our "Server" team, who then talks with EMC. So I'm basically working like a one-armed bandit here.

Anyway, from my understanding, and from what I read in the EMC Whitepaper that talks about how to set the LUNS up, it is NOT like on the HSGs or EVAs or even the MSAs. EMC basically has to flip some bit (OVMS flag) to allow OpenVMS access and then THEY set an OPEN_VMS_BASE_ID field that determines what unit id we see from OpenVMS(ie $1$DGAxx:). In my case, I had them set up a 36gb system disk/partition and a 500gb data disk/partition and they wound up being called $1$dga1419: and $1$dga1421: respectively.

If I had direct control over the EMC portion, I could give you a better answer, but that's about all I have. Muy frustrating to have to work like this, but hey, at least I have a job right....???

Trusted Contributor

Re: Booting from SAN- EMC Symmetrix Array

Those ugly EMC Symmetrix unit numbers are from the hex Symm device ID's which in turn are based off the hypers. As far as I know you can't change them.