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Re: Debugging net$server.exe

Wim Van den Wyngaert
Honored Contributor

Debugging net$server.exe


I know that there is a logical in decnet-plus that enables the display of extra info of files accesses via net$server.com (T2T or decnet remote access). But I don't find the doc nor the name. Any idea's ?

Wim Van den Wyngaert
Honored Contributor

Re: Debugging net$server.exe


Is seems to be undocumented.

I would also like to know the pid of the remote side but I'm unable to do the show kno links at the right time. Any logical for that too ?

Joseph Huber_1
Honored Contributor

Re: Debugging net$server.exe

From my external memory maybe this saved posting from 1989 helps:
Michael Yu_3
Valued Contributor

Re: Debugging net$server.exe

Hi Wim,

For DECnet-Plus, show kno link can only be done using the GUI utility net$mgmt. There is no direct way to get information similar to show kno link using NCL.

To get the PID for the remote process:-

1. On the local system, ncl sho osi transport port local_port_name remote reference, where local_port_name is the osi transport port for your link on the local system.

2. On the remote system, ncl sho osi transport port * client, with local reference = (the number obtained from 1 above).

3. Again on the remote system, ncl sho sess control port (obtained as client from 2 above) process identifier

Thanks and regards.


Wim Van den Wyngaert
Honored Contributor

Re: Debugging net$server.exe


I was hoping on a logical to do the work.

I have a .com to do sh kno links in ncl. But it is very slow. But since I have hundreds of links, I have the advantage of doing a search afterwards to find the pid. But the fal process is active 0.0...x seconds per minute. Difficult to catch ...
