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Has anyone here used Process Software's SSH?

New Member

Has anyone here used Process Software's SSH?

I'm stymied on getting this running. I don't know if it's my install and options or the network. The network guys say port 22 is open, but I've yet to be able to login to the VAX. FWIW, openVMS 6.2, SSH is 2.4. Yes, it's an old vax, but my customer loves it.

If you have experience, pm me.

Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: Has anyone here used Process Software's SSH?

> [...] I don't know if it's my install and options or the network.
> [...]

   I didn't see your "my install", and I've never touched the product,
so I know nothing, but...

> [...] Process Software's SSH? [...] 2.4 [...]

   Whose IP software, and its version?  UCX/TCPIP?  Other?

> [...] The network guys say port 22 is open, [...]

   _Whose_ port 22?  Where "open" means what, exactly?  No firewall
blocking?  Someone's listening at port 22?

   If the IP software on the VAX has a "netstat" command, then I'd do
something like "netstat -an", and look to see if it shows anyone
listening at port 22.

> [...] I've yet to be able [...]

   This is not a useful problem description.  It does not say what you
did.  It does not say what happened when you did it.  As usual, showing
actual actions (commands) with their actual results (error messages,
...) can be more helpful than vague descriptions or interpretations.
Copy+paste is your friend.

> [...] to login to the VAX.

   So the VAX is the server?  What's the client?

   From some other system: telnet <VAX_IP_address> 22

System Recommended

Query: Has anyone here used Process Software's SSH?



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