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New OpenVMS 9.2-2 VM running hot?

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New OpenVMS 9.2-2 VM running hot?

I was able to get a VM working with qemu on OpenVMS 9.2-2. I left the VM running doing nothing for about three hours. I noticed that the temperature in my physical machine went up 20 Celsius. I also saw the context switches double. I was very surprised by this. Is OpenVMS trying to hit the disk more that the linux VMs?

I have two other linux VMs on same box running graphana and zabbix.


Re: New OpenVMS 9.2-2 VM running hot?

Let me suggest you post the question directly in the VSI technical forum which is constantly monitored by VMS engineering :



[ I am a HPE Employee and an OpenVMS Ambassador ]

Re: New OpenVMS 9.2-2 VM running hot?

I hope I am understanding your environment properly (using an emulator).

It is my experience, that, when running a VAX emulator, that each VAX processor utilizes 100% of the CPU. On my system, this represents one CORE on my CPU per VAX CPU being emulated. The is the load whether the VAX is actually idle or busy; there is no difference. If you are experiencing the same issue, you should be able to look at your CPU load and see these CPU cores running at 100%, which would explain the heat.

I hope that was helpful.

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Query: New OpenVMS 9.2-2 VM running hot?



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Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: New OpenVMS 9.2-2 VM running hot?

> I was able to get a VM working with qemu on OpenVMS 9.2-2. [...]

   I run mine on VMware Fusion (Mac), and I don't see this.

> [...] Is OpenVMS trying to hit the disk more that the linux VMs? [...]

   Ask the OS on your physical machine?

> Let me suggest you post the question directly in the VSI technical
> forum [...]

   That would make more sense than asking about this in an HPE forum.