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How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?

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How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?

It seems there is no flag for ctrl-c, under uaf. I found RCTRLC after goggling on web. But, RCTRLC needs to be incorporated in code.

1. How to disable CTRL C for an account ?
2. If RCTRLC is the only way, how should i incorporate it so that when the user account logins into VMS, he/she is prevented from using CTRL -C ?

Volker Halle
Honored Contributor

Re: How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?


you can use SET NOCONTROL=Y (see $ HELP SET CONTROL EXAMPLE) and the associated /FLAGS in UAF (e.g. DISCTLY).

In a program, you can use LIB$DISABLE_CTRL.

You may also want to read chapter (Terminal Driver Features) in the I/O User's Reference Manual.

You may also want to consider setting the user account CAPTIVE, depending on what you're trying to achieve by disabling CTRL-C.

Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?

1. Remove one or more keys from the users'

2. If the RCTRLC at which you're looking is
the RCTRLC at which I'm looking, then it's a
BASIC feature, not a general VMS feature.

CTRL/C does different things in different
situations. Exactly what is it that you
don't want the users to be able to do?
Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?

1. Remove one or more keys from the users'

2. If the RCTRLC at which you're looking is
the RCTRLC at which I'm looking, then it's a
BASIC feature, not a general VMS feature.

CTRL/C does different things in different
situations. Exactly what is it that you
don't want the users to be able to do?

(Probably not what you want, but I don't
really know what you want.)
Jeremy Begg
Trusted Contributor

Re: How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?

Do you mean Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Y? By default, both have the same effect, i.e. abort the currently executing program or DCL command.

However, by convention, Ctrl-C can be used by programs to mean "abort the current operation, but not the program" and hence it's relatively easy to include code in an application program to detect when Ctrl-C has been pressed. Ctrl-Y on the other hand generally means "abort the program" and is more difficult to trap. (You can however enable or disable it under program control.)
If a program doesn't include code to trap Ctrl-C the VMS device drivers will treat Ctrl-C as if the user had pressed Ctrl-Y.

I suspect you really want to be able to disable Ctrl-Y, and this is easily done via a flag in SYSUAF. For example:


With DISCTLY in effect, the user process is started with Ctrl-Y disabled. However it's intended to be used with CAPTIVE or RESTRICTED accounts that don't allow the user to access the DCL command prompt. If the user is able to type DCL commands he or she could use the $ SET CONTROL=Y command to enable Ctrl-Y once logged in.


Jeremy Begg

Re: How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?

thks for the fast response. ok. Guys. here is what i want to achieve.

I know how to disable ctrl y BUT not ctrl C.

Basically, I have a program which does not work well when ctrl C invoked. I want to prevent users from using ctrl c.

Removing the key probably is the last creative resort i wnt to try. :)

SET TERMINAL /PASTHRU , i am not sure what this does.

What is this LIB$DISABLE_CTRL ? can it be incorporated in a login file/script ?

Captive flag does not help much in my case, as it only disable ctrl y behavior.

Thks for the feedbacks.

Volker Halle
Honored Contributor

Re: How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?


did you bother to read the I/O User's Reference Manual ?

There is even an example included (Example 5-4) on using CTRL-C and CTRL-Y handling - including the LIB$DISABLE_CTRL RTL routine.


Typing CTRL-C when running a program invokes a CTRL-C AST routine, if one has been set up by the program. If not, it's converted to a CTRL-Y.

Robert Gezelter
Honored Contributor

Re: How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?


I am unclear as to what "does not work well" means. If interrupting the program is bad, then BOTH CNTRL/Y and CNTRL/C are an issue, and the command SET NOCOMMAND=(Y) is the correct response.

Remember, for all intents and purposes either interrupts the program's execution unless other provisions have been made.

Please clarify what the precise problem is.

- Bob Gezelter, http://www.rlgsc.com

Re: How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?

I am trying to prevent users from using ctrl-c in a program.

Anyway, after some consideration, i think it is still the best way to advise users to avoid use it, rather than have to disable it.

Jon Pinkley
Honored Contributor

Re: How to disable <ctrl>-c for an OpenVms account?


Did you try the suggestion to use

$ set nocontrol=y

That will disable both Control-Y and Control-C. And it requires no changes to your programs.

This is assuming the program isn't doing something to enable it, but if the program was going to the trouble to do that, it would be catching the exception and doing cleanup work before shutting down.

The only downsides of doing this is that you will not be able to abort a program that has a bug, and you will have to issue a

$ stop/id=xxxx[/image][/exit]

from another process in that case.

Also, if you start doing something that takes a long time, you will not be able to abort it.

Your alternative, if you have sourcecode and the programming skills, is to modify your programs so they handle a control-C and do the right thing. For an example, look at the EDT editor. If you open a large text file, and then search for something, you are able to press control-c and it will abort the search, but not exit the editor.

Good luck in training your users not to use control-C or control-Y.

it depends