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Re: KNBCB = ?

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Dave Gudewicz
Valued Contributor


Saw a few notes on this and wondered....


Galen Tackett
Valued Contributor

Re: KNBCB = ?

I don't know if what I found is accurate but I did a google groups search and found a two year old post from Carl Karcher on comp.os.vms. This url will take you to the whole thread:


And here's the part where Carl had a guess to offer:

---snip here---

In a previous article, "Dave Gudewicz" wrote:

->For us unwashed. Whats a KNBCB?

I'll guess KNB Control Blocks where KNB is "NetBios over TCP". One is
required for each "NetBios over TCP" session. The number is determined by
the "Client capacity" supplied to ADMIN/CONFIG plus a fudge factor of 25
(which doesn't appear to be high enough in some cases).

-- Carl Karcher, Waisman Computing Services, Waisman Center, UW-Madison
-- karcher@waisman.wisc.edu
Dave Gudewicz
Valued Contributor

Re: KNBCB = ?

Guess I'm still unwashed or suffering from yet another temporal distortion. ;-)

Darn pre-warp civilizations !

Brad McCusker
Respected Contributor

Re: KNBCB = ?

KNBCB = Kernel NetBIOS Control Blocks.

You need one of those for each TCP/IP session to your PATHWORKS server or Advanced Server. Sessions includes lots fo adminstrative sessions, and, the license server holds a bunch open too.

To see how many you actually have, I think this will work for you:


Brad McCusker
Software Concepts International
Dave Gudewicz
Valued Contributor

Re: KNBCB = ?

Thanks for this update Brad.

Jan van den Ende
Honored Contributor

Re: KNBCB = ?


from your profile:

I have assigned points to 0 of 63 responses to my questions.

don't you think those 63 deserve the be rewarded for thier efforts?

It's up to you to decide how much each of them helped you, but I do think some of them will have been of some value...

Don't rust yours pelled jacker to fine doll missed aches.
Dave Gudewicz
Valued Contributor

Re: KNBCB = ?

I understand I've not been a model citizen in terms of awarding points. Its this thing I have about awards and such in general.

My kids often tell me "hey Dad, there's another award show on tonight." Seems to be one every other week or so. Kinda dilutes the idea of award in some ways of thinking.

I will try to put aside those thoughts when I visit here. I'll often forget, but I will try.

Jan van den Ende
Honored Contributor

Re: KNBCB = ?

That's ok Dave,

personal sentiments accepted.

But then, please

- make one statement you are not into points (perheaps your personal statement in your profile?)
assign 0 (zero) points to each answer, just as to not let them unassigned.
and, for the sake of this specific forum, if you consider a thread satisfied, give the best answer (your opinion) at least 8 points, so as to mark the thread as "solved".

no hard fealings,

Don't rust yours pelled jacker to fine doll missed aches.