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Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file

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Bojan Nemec
Honored Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file

How is possible to get a duplicate key if this is not allowed (see my and Jans previous post)?
Do you use RMS Journaling?

Jan van den Ende
Honored Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file


re-read your own post:
the thing is that duplicates ARE allowed (although logically they should not be able to occur)

Don't rust yours pelled jacker to fine doll missed aches.
Willem Grooters
Honored Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file


That's just one of those mysteries.

I just checked - dumped the whole file by block - and there is just ONE record where the primary key is "1200" - and so there is just ONE where the secondary key is "V1200".
As to be expected: the same record.
However, as I observed - see previous attachment - there are multiple (adjacent)references in the secondary key index that point to this very same record. At least, it explains why I got this record twice when reading sequentially accoring this second key. RMS seems to be happy with is but I think it's rather confusing.
Willem Grooters
OpenVMS Developer & System Manager
Jan van den Ende
Honored Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file


since the secondary key should also be unique, can you change your FDL to
KEY1 Duplicates NO, and Convert your file once more?
One out of two: you will NOT get multiple records on secondary key any more, OR, the code that tries to write a second record to the same key will fail, giving a better idea what is wrong, and/or the opportunity to correct.


Have one on me.

Don't rust yours pelled jacker to fine doll missed aches.
Willem Grooters
Honored Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file


Passed to user. I'll have to wait now for the results.

Willem Grooters
OpenVMS Developer & System Manager
Valued Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file

>However, as I observed - see previous >attachment - there are multiple (adjacent)>references in the secondary key index that >point to this very same record.

But within these references have you got all but one which have the flag
irc$v_deleted = 1 ?

The ones which have irc$v_deleted = 1
should not be returned by RMS.

Valued Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file

Can you post an $ analyze/rms /fdl file.dat

Do you use RMS Journaling ?
Valued Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file

Additional info:
>This particular program can be used >simultaniously by about 8 people, spread >over three nodes in a cluster, but working >on the same files.
>Is it imaginable that this could lead to >some issues in synchronization for this >particular file (lots of updates)?

I reproduced the problem on V7.3 by using multiple process updating in parallel the
secondary key of the same record.

You should open a call with your local CSC.

Which version of OpenVMS are you using ?
Hein van den Heuvel
Honored Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file

Interesting stuff. It does sound like a bug.

Willem, what exact VMS version/patch level? And how about an ANA/RMS/STATS output to make the picture complete?

Faris, can you reply with more details on your reproducer? Source code + fdl in attachment? How reliable dies this reproduce? Email me?

Willem>> This behaviour is gone after CONVERT, but all of a sudden, it does reappear,

Convert only uses record data, no old key structures, making completely new key/index structures. So it does sound like an alternate key corruption which is coming back (bug).

Bojan>> "For key 1: CHANGES yes and DUPLICATES yes which is not possible."
Correct, duplicates are not possible in this case. But please note that 'duplicates yes' is only a request to RMS to make sure no record with duplicate key value is being inserted. The file structure is exactly the same whether duplicates are allowed or not. So dups=no requests RMS to do a tiny bit more work. And since you know there can not be duplicates in this case it would seem a little cheaper not to ask to check. Whether it actually is cheaper or not does not matter, just showing why it may make sense to have this seemingly contradictory definition.
HOWEVER... whether duplicates are allowed or not DOES change the internal to RMS update behaviour. And RU-journalling adds yet an other twist.

So, Faris/Willem I'd like you to recovert with dups=no, to see whether this may deliver a workaround.

Jan>> kind of strange way to define the alternate key as a primary with one variable character IN FRONT

Actually, that would make sense for at least two reasons.
1) to de-duplicate the alternate record key. Otherwise you may have too many 'V' records and loose insert performance. Admittedly this is only significant with tens of thousands of dups and painfull millions of dups, but it is nto a bad idea.
2) to impose an order 'get next sequentially' with the key or refence set to an alternate key with dups will essentially return them in 'order of arrival' (which convert can destroy). That may or may not be desirable. Adding a primary key, or date field makes the order predictable.

Bojan>> when you have 2 states and need to read fast only records with one state) you can use null keys.

YES. but not the problem here.

Willem>> Thanks to Hein's marvelous program some light at least - see first part of attachement. All the records that have > 1 in the "dups" column (?) give problems

Thanks :-)! But the particular area you use in the program is little tests. It may well reported 'deleted' sidr array entries as real. RMS would/shoudl not return those. But since you have actuall problems on tose very records, I guee it is showing something.

Willem>>less than 48, a second 'valid' record will show op, and a third if 48 or higher.

Well, your FDL did NOT show the AREA info. If you did not do anyting special, then the bucket size might be just 2 (default) or even 1. Every sidr entry is 7 bytes. so with a bucket size of 2, you can store only (2*512 - 15 - keysize) / 7 =~ 150 dups / sidr. So with 48 or 60 sidr entries(for updated=deleted) you may well need to cross into a second bucket. This may well turn out to be the breaking point.
SO for an other potential workaround... reconvert with bucketsize = 24 or 63 or so (no science here, just a large number).

Faris>> The ones which have irc$v_deleted = 1
should not be returned by RMS.


Hope this helps some,

Willem Grooters
Honored Contributor

Re: Some weird behaviour accessing RMS file


But within these references have you got all but one which have the flag
irc$v_deleted = 1 ?

Almost right. All but TWO (pointing to the same record), and that's what's wrong.

Great you could reproduce the problem. I guess it's a SMALL file and a SMALL program. Could you please zip it all up and mail it with an explanation to willem-at-grootersnet-dot-nl (That's the only way I can get it passed the gates...). I'll put the call.

I added the ANA/RMS/FDL output.
Asked the source of the problem, they're running 7.1-2 (don't know of patches but since it occurs on 7.3 as well I don't think that matters), no RMS journalling for what is known.

The program just put me on the track to dig deeper. Good program to check the structures! We did have problems with performance and this program will be quite some help!

Willem Grooters
OpenVMS Developer & System Manager