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ucx$mgt_thresholds - WBEM interface

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R. Verkerk
Frequent Advisor

ucx$mgt_thresholds - WBEM interface


I have the same problem as mentioned in: http://forums1.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/questionanswer.do?threadId=1044878

The thresholds are not seen for the CPU's and the file space and memory utilization. I just get a red X (cross) where it should fill the bar. The file "ucx$mgt_thresholds.dat" is not being created.

My versions are:
IA64 OpenVMS 8.3
MGMTAGENTS V3.4-1A with mgpat 3.4-2

the error is:
12-APR-2007 11:06:26.61 Initializing the thresold structure
12-APR-2007 11:06:26.62 WARNING CPQTHRESHOLDMGMT_PERSIST.C line 368: error opening sys$system:ucx$mgt_thresholds.dat
12-APR-2007 11:06:26.63 WARNING CPQTHRESHOLDMGMT_PERSIST.C line 133: error linking sys$system:ucx$mgt_thresholds.dat and sys$system:

Was this ever solved?


Robert Verkerk

Richard Whalen
Honored Contributor

Re: ucx$mgt_thresholds - WBEM interface

What TCP/IP stack are you using?
I've seen this happen when MultiNet or TCPware are in use, and I have reported it to the engineers at HP. I have found that I can usually get it to work by following ALL of the configuration steps as if I was using TCP/IP services. Sometimes I have to actually start TCP/IP Services and then start the management agents.

If you are seeing this with TCP/IP Services, then I would check to make sure that you have done all of the configuration that is listed in the management agents documentation.

R. Verkerk
Frequent Advisor

Re: ucx$mgt_thresholds - WBEM interface


I am using tcpip from HP.


Zeni B. Schleter
Regular Advisor

Re: ucx$mgt_thresholds - WBEM interface

I was the original poster with this problem. I still have the problem but I check thresholds with other procedure so this was more annoyance than anything. We use Multinet. The systems came with TCPIP v5.4 installed. Some similar hosts that never had TCPIP installed have functional thresholds. The last suggestion that I was given was that maybe some TCPIP configuration file was being used just because it was there.

I tried to set the TCPIP configuration files. I tried just renaming them to something else. I have yet to try to remove TCPIP just because there were pieces that WBEM needed whether you were using Multinet or not. I suppose I also hoped I could figure out what the real problem was.

In the [WBEM.AGENTS.LOG]CPQTHRESHOLD.LOG somewhere around 8-9 PM (our time) "something" realizes eSNMP Error - lost connection to the Master Agent and tries to restart. Then a message about MIB subtree 'cpqThresholdMgmt' already marked for registration 1 time and then a message about "First existing slot will be used for new data." But no new Threshold file is ever created.

I wish I could be more helpful. We are at V7.3-2 with multinet v4.4a.