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How to resize filesystem on Tru64 connected to a EVA3000

Danesh Qureshi
Regular Advisor

How to resize filesystem on Tru64 connected to a EVA3000

I have a filesystem /mdxcms which has a total capacity of 100Gb within a domain2. I need to increase the size from 100Gb to 150Gb.The 100Gb Vdisk is presented to the Tru64 server from a EVA3000 SAN.

# sizer -v
HP Tru64 UNIX V5.1B (Rev. 2650); Fri Mar 28 13:19:34 GMT 2008

Running patch kit:-
T64V51BB27AS0006-20061208 OSF540

Domain2 has only one fileset. See below.

# showfdmn data_domain2

Id Date Created LogPgs Version Domain Name
43f854f6.000a62df Sun Feb 19 11:22:30 2006 512 4 data_domain2

Vol 512-Blks Free % Used Cmode Rblks Wblks Vol Name
1L 209715200 1553904 99% on 256 256 /dev/disk/dsk4c

The filesystem is mounted and has applications running on it.

How do I resize the Vdisk without destroying the data on the filesystem and after resizing what other steps do I need to follow on the Tru64 server.

I've not re-sized a vdisk so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Martin Moore

Re: How to resize filesystem on Tru64 connected to a EVA3000

A possibly simpler and less risky approach would be to create a new 50 MB vdisk, present it to the Tru64 server, and use addvol to add the new volume to the domain. This requires that you have the AdvFS Utilities license.

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Re: How to resize filesystem on Tru64 connected to a EVA3000

Yes, Martin quite correct. But if you have no AdvFS license, you could expand volume too. You need increase it on EVA, than edit disklabel manually and apply changes by mount -u -o extend mnt_point
I assume that LSM not used in your case.
Rob Leadbeater
Honored Contributor

Re: How to resize filesystem on Tru64 connected to a EVA3000


The last method mentioned works fine and I've used it many times. However it still requires you to have the AdvFS utilities license, if my memory's correct.

The man page for mount has examples.

