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Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

Occasional Collector

Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

I have noticed recently that with Chrome, Edge, or Brave (all 3 chromium based) that when in our Vsphere portal and we go to any vm in our environment and go to All HPE Simplivity Actions> Search Backups,  it will for a split second show the backups in the new dialog box that renders but then they vanish and you just get a spinning circle.  I can see the Colum headers, but the list of actual backups just stays blank and spins.  In Firefox it properly loads instantly.  This behavior is present on multiple computers.  We have tried clearing our cache and all the typical basic steps.  So it feels like this issue is specific to Chromium based browers.  I did some searhcing but did not come across anyone mentioning this specifically.    Has anyone else come across this?

Senior Member

Re: Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

We are having the same experience in our environment.

If we downgrade Chrome to an older version it works fine.  

My colleague has opened support on this and do not have a permanent fix yet.


Senior Member

Re: Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

What version of Chrome are you using?

Esteemed Contributor

Re: Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly


Good day!

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue:

>> Ensure you've cleared not only the cache but also cookies and other site data in your Chromium-based browsers.

>> Sometimes browser extensions can interfere with website functionality. Try disabling extensions one by one to see if any of them are causing the issue.

>> Make sure you are using the latest versions of Chrome, Edge, and Brave. Outdated browsers can sometimes exhibit compatibility issues with websites.

>> Ensure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser settings. Some websites rely heavily on JavaScript for their functionality.

>> Try accessing the website in incognito/private browsing mode to rule out any issues caused by your browser's cache or extensions.

>> Check if there are any network-related issues, such as firewalls or proxy settings, that might be blocking certain content from loading.

>> Open the browser's developer console (usually by pressing F12 or right-clicking and selecting "Inspect") and look for any error messages or warnings that might give you more information about what's causing the problem.

>> Some websites have a compatibility mode or recommend using a specific browser for certain functions. Check if there are any recommendations from the website itself regarding browser compatibility.

>> If you are experiencing the issue across multiple Chromium-based browsers, try using a different Chromium-based browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge, Brave) to see if the issue is consistent across all of them.

>> Use Firefox: Since you mentioned that the issue doesn't occur in Firefox, you can consider using Firefox as a temporary workaround until the issue with Chromium-based browsers is resolved.

Keep in mind that web applications can change over time, and sometimes issues arise due to updates on the server-side, which may require the website's developers to address compatibility problems with specific browsers. If you don't find a solution through the above steps, contacting the website's support team or your IT department may be the best course of action to report and potentially resolve the issue.

Hope this helps! Let me know....


These are my opinions so use it at your own risk.
Occasional Collector

Re: Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

@joosungkim 117.0.5938.150 for the current chrome version. Brave and Edge are also current.

Regular Visitor

Re: Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

I just came across this same issue today and I'm glad I found your post. At first I suspected something in the SimplVity plug-in might be hanging but when restarting vCenter didn't help I decided to check here to see if this was a known issue. Based on what you reported I tried Firefox and sure enough everything works perfectly.

Occasional Collector

Re: Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

Yea,  this just started in the last couple months that I noticed it.  I tried every thing in the previous posts already, igcognito, ect.  obvioiously something betwen chromium and the simplivity plugin is not 100% working together.  This was present in vcenter 6.x and still 7.0x   Fire fox works so yea its a good stop gap , but id feel alot more comfortable if we could find a fix for chromium based browers.  I plan to open a ticket with HPE directly to see what they say.  I will post back ehre if anything worthwhile comes of it.


Re: Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

Yep this is an issue, vmware also has a ticket logged : https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/94667


Senior Member

Re: Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

I had the same issue and spent a few hours to investigate (I reinstalled the SVT plugin, rebooted the vCenters, rebooted the OVCs, tried Brave as browser alternative..., compared with CLI commands which worked perfectly) with no improvement. The strange thing is that this behavior occured only for a few VMs, not all of them. For that reason, I also compared VM settings but did not find any difference.
From Firefox, I have the expected output.

Many thanks for the trick.


Re: Chromium based browsers won't Load Search backups properly

Firefox is the 'solution' I was given from the support teams after escalating this. 
I do not find that to be a 'solution' but a work-around. 

Sad as we are all paying so much for licensing of this software and it's over 1 month with this issue