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HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10 - Issue to update hard drives firmware

Occasional Advisor

HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10 - Issue to update hard drives firmware


I want to update the firmware of the hard drives on an HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10 server (VMWare ESXi 6.7 Update 3).

Hard drives are attached to an HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 with 3.53 firmware version.

All firmware of the server are up to date (BIOS, ILO, etc.).

I tried by installing the firmware directly from ESXI via SSH following exactly the instructions provided by HPE but the update constantly fails with the error:

[root @ ESXI] ./CP047877.vmexe
Online HDD / SSD Flash Component for VMware ESXi - EH000300JWCPK, EH000600JWCPL and EH000900JWCPN Drives (HPD7), searching ...
Segmentation fault

The both hard drives are currently in HPD3 version.

I tried to go through intermediate firmware like HPD4, HPD5 or HPD6 but the error is always the same.

Finally, I tried to deploy the hard drive firmware through SUM but it also fails with the following error:

[root @ ESXI: /var/cpq] cat CP046301_2021_07_16_10_54_52.log
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] [ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] /var/cpq/CP046301_2021_07_16_10_54_52.log

[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] /var/cpq/Component.log
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Run with 5 Command Argument(s): ./setup -s -f -e -g
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ]
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] CP046301.zip - Online HDD/SSD Flash Component for VMware ESXi - EH000300JWCPK, EH000600JWCPL and EH000900JWCPN Drives
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Component Version: HPD6
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Component Build: 0
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] SOULAPI Version:
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Attempting to open TASK XML file:
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] [ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] /var/cpq/CP046301_2021_07_16_10_54_52.log

[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] OS Information:
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Name: VMkernel
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Version: #1 SMP Release build-17700523 Mar 3 2021 16:17:01
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Node: ESXI
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Release: 6.7.0
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Arch: x86_64
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ]
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Online HDD/SSD Flash Component for VMware ESXi - EH000300JWCPK, EH000600JWCPL and EH000900JWCPN Drives (HPD6), searching...
[ Jul 16 10:54:52 ] Internal Exit Status: 106

Have you any idea on how to resolve this issue?

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10

How about booting from current SPP?

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Trusted Contributor

Re: HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10

Before update or upgrade should be backup all the data, and also downtime very important.


I Haq
Occasional Advisor

Re: HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10

I have booted SPP via ISO througt iLO.

Also, I have tried to update hard drives remotely from another Windows Server via "launch._sum.bat" after mounted SPP ISO but I have "Internal Error Satus 106" error after I have tried to update they.


Re: HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10

Update hard drive firmware using SPP offline deployment method.
1. Download Gen10 Service Pack for ProLiant ISO image from below link.

Gen10 Service Pack for ProLiant
Type: Service Pack for ProLiant
Version: 2021.04.0 (19 Apr 2021)

2. To initiating offline SPP deployment, mount SPP ISO image to iLO virtual media and boot your server with it.
3. To boot from the iLO virtual media, press F11 on POST, and then select iLO Virtual USB: iLO Virtual CD_ROM.
4. Select interactive mode and follow the instructions on the screen.
5. On the Inventory page select only hard drive component to update hard drive firmware only and click on

I am an HPE Employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]

Accept or Kudo
Occasional Advisor

Re: HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10 - Issue to update hard drives firmware

Thanks for your answer. Of course, I have follow this procedure that you mentioned, the issue is not about of run the SPP but at the time when I try to apply update hard drive firmware.

Occasional Advisor

Re: HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10 - Issue to update hard drives firmware


Do you verify the mode type with your disk?

For my environment the disk type is " MO000400JWTBQ "

Executing ESXi65 binaries and copying to current directory
Online HDD/SDD Flash Component for VMware ESXi - VO000960JWTBK, VO001920JWTBL, VO003840JWTBN, VO007680JWTBP, MO000400JWTBQ, MO000800JWTBR, MO001600JWTBT, MO003200JWTBU, MO006400JWTCD, EO000400JWTBV, EO000800JWTCA, EO001600JWTCB Drives (HPD7), searching...
1) MO000400JWTBQ Drive 1I:3:4 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) (HPD5)
2) MO000400JWTBQ Drive 1I:3:3 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) (HPD5)
3) MO000400JWTBQ Drive 1I:3:2 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) (HPD5)
4) MO000400JWTBQ Drive 1I:3:1 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) (HPD5)
5) MO000400JWTBQ Drive 2I:3:5 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) (HPD5)
6) MO000400JWTBQ Drive 2I:3:6 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) (HPD5)
7) MO000400JWTBQ Drive 2I:3:7 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) (HPD5)
MO000400JWTBQ Drive 2I:3:8 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) (HPD5)
Select which devices to flash [#,#-#,(A)ll,(N)one]> A
Flashing Drive 2I:3:5 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) [ HPD5 -> HPD7 ]
NDU flashing completed successfully
Flashing Drive 2I:3:6 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) [ HPD5 -> HPD7 ]
NDU flashing completed successfully
Flashing Drive 2I:3:7 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) [ HPD5 -> HPD7 ]
NDU flashing completed successfully
Flashing Drive 2I:3:8 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) [ HPD5 -> HPD7 ]
NDU flashing completed successfully
Flashing Drive 1I:3:4 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) [ HPD5 -> HPD7 ]
NDU flashing completed successfully
Flashing Drive 1I:3:3 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) [ HPD5 -> HPD7 ]
NDU flashing completed successfully
Flashing Drive 1I:3:2 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) [ HPD5 -> HPD7 ]
NDU flashing completed successfully
Flashing Drive 1I:3:1 (HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 in Slot 0) [ HPD5 -> HPD7 ]
NDU flashing completed successfully
============ Summary ============
Smart Component Finished

Summary Messages
8 new FW images have been activated

Exit Status: 0
NDU flashing completed successfully
Selected devices updated successfully.