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Re: VMware 8.0 Fault Tolerance

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VMware 8.0 Fault Tolerance


I'm looking in to setting up a new VMware 8.0 U2 environment with three DL380 Gen10 with Xeon Silver 4208 CPU servers but I can't find those servers listed in the VMware compatability guide iwth Fault Tolerance.
Why isn't it in the compability guide, hasn't HPE come around to certifing them yet or isn't it possible due to some unfortunate issue?

BR Daniel

System Recommended

Query: VMware 8.0 Fault Tolerance

System recommended content:

1. HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Plus Server with VMware vSphere Distributed Services Engine User Guide


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Re: Query: VMware 8.0 Fault Tolerance

This has nothing to do with my question, I'm wondering if the DL380 G10 will be certified for VMware 8.0 Fault Tolerance since currently it's only certified for FT in VMware 7.0 U3 or lower.



Re: Query: VMware 8.0 Fault Tolerance

Hi Danielwarnevall

Per VMware compatibility the ProLiant DL380 Gen10 is not compatible with ESXi version 8.x



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Re: VMware 8.0 Fault Tolerance

Hi Danielwarnvall, 
    As per both HPE and VMware. Esxi 8.0 U2 is supported on DL380 Gen10 server.  Please refer the documents from HPE and VMware.
Did you try with installation? Are you hitting with any error or issue. Please let us know, so that we can try to rectify it.
Please mark as 'Accepted solution' if my post worked.


I work for HPE
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Re: VMware 8.0 Fault Tolerance

I'm not having issues, but the company I work for has a guideline that anything that is to be deployed it must meet all criterias for full support.

And in this instance ESXi 8.0 U2 and Fault Tolerance is not in the VMware Compatability Guide but ESXi 7.0 U3 and Fault Tolerance is, to make sure that we can get support from VMware and HPE I need to follow the compatability guide to the letter so nothing is left to chance.

Therefor my question still stands, why hasn't HPE gotten the DL380 G10 certified/listed as compatible with Fault Tolerance in ESXI 8.0 U2?

Regards Daniel


Re: VMware 8.0 Fault Tolerance

Hi @danielwarnevall,


Good day!

We understand your concern here. 

Modern CPUs are capable of supporting SMP-FT. To check the capability of a specific CPU, visit https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=cpu. vSphere 8.0 certified servers can support SMP-FT. Refer to VMware Docs for Fault Tolerance requirements, limits, and licensing..


This is something related to the Operating System and their features, which the Operating System Team would be able to assit and provide more information.


Its best to contact the VMWare Team for more information and documentation.


Thank you

I work for HPE.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]

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