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Re: E200i Controller on DL360 G5

Occasional Contributor

E200i Controller on DL360 G5

Hello Sirs, I like to know whether its possible to build a second Raid-system on one Server/ one Controller, without trouble the productive first Raid-System.

Proliant DL360 G5 E200i
first Raid1 = 2x HD-SAS 72Gbyte
second Raid2 in planing = 2x HD-SAS 146Gbyte

Thanks for your support
LANtana GmbH
Mark Matthews
Respected Contributor

Re: E200i Controller on DL360 G5

Yes should be no problem.

You can even do it while the OS is running (NOTE I only have experience with Windows in this regard)

1. Plug the new drives into empty drive bays
2. Start up ACU (HP's array configuration utility)
3. Make a new array (array B) with the new drives
4. Make a new logical drive(s) inside the new array
5. Then in Windows, into Disk Management, and create a new drive letter, and format it.
Or use something like Partition Magic, or MS's diskpart.exe to add the new space to an existing drive...


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Occasional Contributor

Re: E200i Controller on DL360 G5

Thanks Mark for your soon reply, we were not sure for doing it. This Server is an VMware-ESX Server. So we want configure it from the Controller-Bios.


Mark Matthews
Respected Contributor

Re: E200i Controller on DL360 G5

Ahh ok well you can either do the same thing with the F8 Prompt when the array cont is initialising, or boot from a SmartStart CD and you can open ACU from that...
Either way will work fine.


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