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HP DL380e G8 dead USB controller?

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HP DL380e G8 dead USB controller?

Hello HP community!

I recently bought a secound hand HP DL380e G8 with 1 CPU and 32 BG RAM, but when I tried installing an OS (Proxmox) on it the USB ports seems to work intermittenaly, some boots the front port work, sometimes the back, sometimes both, after about 10 reboots the USB ports are just completly dead. They do get power as I use an VGA to HDMI adapter that's powerd via USB, and that works. But anything else that I pulg in, keyboard, mouse, USB sticks, are completly dead, no power what so ever.

To me this seems like the USB controller is somehow dead, but maybe someone can help me out.

Things I've tried:

  • Checking that the USB ports are enabled in the BIOS. ( All the relevant USB settings in BIOS are enabled).
  • Disabeling (and rebooting) then enabeling the USB ports in BIOS.
  • Removing all power and the BIOS battery for 12 hrs.
  • Re-flashing the ROM.
  • Reverting to the backup ROM (was an older one from 2014).
  • Using the internal USB port (equally as "dead").

I can't figure out anything else to try, please help :┬┤(


Re: HP DL380e G8 dead USB controller?

I would suggest contacting HPE Support and Log a Hardware Case for further diagnosis.

I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: HP DL380e G8 dead USB controller?

Hello, can I do that even with a second hand Voight server? Probably out of warranty since way back.
Esteemed Contributor

Re: HP DL380e G8 dead USB controller?


It sounds like you've tried many troubleshooting steps already. If the USB ports are still not working, it's possible that the USB controller has failed or there may be a hardware issue with the motherboard.

Here are a few additional steps you may try:

* Check the USB cables and connectors to make sure they are firmly connected and not damaged.

* Boot the server using a different operating system or live USB to see if the issue persists. This can help determine if it's a software or hardware issue.

* update the server's firmware to the latest version.

* Check if there are any error messages related to the USB controller in the system log or event viewer.

Hope this helps! If none of these steps work, it may be necessary to replace the motherboard or USB controller. If the server is still under warranty, contact the seller or HPE support for assistance.

These are my opinions so use it at your own risk.