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HP ML310e Gen8 V2 Server, Adding Memory

Occasional Collector

HP ML310e Gen8 V2 Server, Adding Memory

Manuals link to a memory configurator that no longer lists this model. Our HP ML310e Gen8 V2 Server is configured with (2) 4GB ddr3 dimms in slots A and B. Manual guidelines do not mention requiring matching pairs so I presume dimms of varying sizes can be added as long as match the types specified. Selecting the correct dimm is clear. How best to populate is not clearly outlined. Adding a single 8GB ddr3 dimm to slot C would be easy, if configuration is this flexible. Not sure if there would be benefits balancing the channels going with 4GB slot A, 8GB slot B and 4GB slot C. I sense number of dimms and the sizes do not matter, provided type is correct and populated in slot sequence (letter rather than number).


All HP Smart Memory, my second question is whether any bios changes are necessary after expanding memory. I anticipate it simply recognizes the memory installed and there won't be any issues because HP will continue to be the only brand.


Any advice you can offer will be most appreciated.

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: HP ML310e Gen8 V2 Server, Adding Memory

The user guide points to the quickspec for latest information.




But I guess this is what you need:


Hope this helps!

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Occasional Collector

Re: HP ML310e Gen8 V2 Server, Adding Memory

I very much appreciate the reply. Unfortunately, I previously read both documents and neither answer my questions. The first document was helpful to confirm the type of memory required. I am confident that I can select the correct dimms to add. My concern is mixing 8GB with 4GB and balancing pairs or channels, if necessary. I cannot find any reference to this within any HP documents. The answer to my second question has been difficult to locate as well. It would be helpful to receive a reply in regards to these specific questions.


The second document has a chart with two examples, one 8GB dimm in slot A and the other illustrates 8GB dimms in all four slots. Not sure how to derive other options unless mixing size and odd numbers of dimms are flexible. If only the guidelines clearly stated these points.