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HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilorest

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Occasional Advisor

HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilorest

Dear HPE Community,

On our ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 server, we are experiencing issues to disable the IPv6 stack for iLO Dedicated network port with ilorest.

When using the following commands:

ilorest set --select EthernetInterface. DHCPv6/OperatingMode=Disabled --filter Id=1

ilorest set --select EthernetInterface. Oem/Hpe/DHCPv6/StatefulModeEnabled=False --filter Id=1

ilorest set --select EthernetInterface. Oem/Hpe/DHCPv6/StatelessModeEnabled=False --filter Id=1

ilorest set --select EthernetInterface. Oem/Hpe/IPv6/DDNSRegistration=False --filter Id=1

ilorest set --select EthernetInterface. Oem/Hpe/IPv6/SLAACEnabled=False --filter Id=1

ilorest set --select EthernetInterface. StatelessAddressAutoConfig/IPv6AutoConfigEnabled=False --filter Id=1

ilorest commit

ilorest iloreset

> There is no change to the BMC configuration.

We acknoledge the fact that disabling the IPv6 stack via the BMC web GUI is functional. But this is not a valid methodoly for us as we are configuring a consequent number of servers at once. 

Could you please help us solve this issue ?

Best regards,

Nicolas B. Scaleway Hardware Team


Re: HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilores


Please refer to the documentation for help.

Thank You!
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I work for HPE.
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Re: HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilorest



Please refer to the below document.



I am an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilores

Dear MV3,

Sorry for m y late reply.

Thank you for you answer.

I have read the documentation you have provided.

I am still not able to disable the IPv6 stack for the iLO BMC.

I understand the commands to be used are the ones I gave in my orginal post.

Is there something I am missing ?

Best regards,

Nicolas B. 


Re: HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilores

Hello  Nicolas

Thank you  for the reply, Please raise a support case with HPE.

We can try isolating the issue over a VR session.


I am an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilores

Dear MV3,

I posted my original message as I was advised to do so by HPE L3 support:

[Translated from FR]

"HPE Support Case 5372225351

Yes, the case has been escalated to the L3 team, they offer you to contact the online forum that uses scripts regarding the commands to use:


Sara Grami

Technical Support Engineer

Foundation Solution Center ā€“ France Team"

Unfortunately, we seem to be running is circles here.

Best regards,

Nicolas B. 

Esteemed Contributor

Re: HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilores


Good day! 

>> Firstly, it's important to ensure that you are using the correct syntax for the ilorest commands. Let's go through the commands step by step:

1. List the available Ethernet interfaces and check the "Id" of the iLO Dedicated network port:

ilorest list EthernetInterface

Note down the "Id" of the iLO Dedicated network port, which you want to configure (e.g., 1, 2, etc.).

2.  Try setting the IPv6 stack configuration using the following commands:

ilorest set --resource=EthernetInterface --property=DHCPv6/OperatingMode=Disabled --filter=Id=1
ilorest set --resource=EthernetInterface --property=Oem/Hpe/DHCPv6/StatefulModeEnabled=False --filter=Id=1
ilorest set --resource=EthernetInterface --property=Oem/Hpe/DHCPv6/StatelessModeEnabled=False --filter=Id=1
ilorest set --resource=EthernetInterface --property=Oem/Hpe/IPv6/DDNSRegistration=False --filter=Id=1
ilorest set --resource=EthernetInterface --property=Oem/Hpe/IPv6/SLAACEnabled=False --filter=Id=1
ilorest set --resource=EthernetInterface --property=StatelessAddressAutoConfig/IPv6AutoConfigEnabled=False --filter=Id=1


3. Commit the changes: 

ilorest commit

4.  Perform an iLO reset to apply the changes:

ilorest iloreset

After performing these steps, wait for a few moments and then check if the changes have taken effect using:

ilorest list EthernetInterface --filter=Id=1


If the configuration is still not changing, there could be a couple of reasons for it:

1. Ensure that you are using the latest firmware version for your ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 server.

2. Make sure you are using the latest version of ilorest.  

3. Verify that the user account being used to execute the ilorest commands has the necessary privileges to modify iLO settings.

4. Double-check the syntax of the commands, including capitalization and spacing, to avoid any typos or errors.


I hope it helps! Let me know...




These are my opinions so use it at your own risk.
Occasional Advisor

Re: HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilores

Dear Vinky_99,

Unfortunately the commands return errors:

~# ilorest set --resource=EthernetInterface --property=DHCPv6/OperatingMode=Disabled --filter=Id=1
iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version
Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
usage: set [-h] [--url URL] [--sessionid SESSIONID] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [--biospassword BIOSPASSWORD]
           [--https HTTPS_CERT] [--usercert USER_CERTIFICATE] [--userkey USER_ROOT_CA_KEY]
           [--userpassphrase USER_ROOT_CA_PASSWORD] [--includelogs] [--path PATH] [--force_vnic] [--logout]
           [--selector SELECTOR] [--filter FILTER] [--commit] [--reboot REBOOT] [--latestschema]
set: error: The option --resource=EthernetInterface is not available for set

Replacing "--resource=" by "--select" seems to partially fix the issue:

~# ilorest set --select EthernetInterface --property=DHCPv6/OperatingMode=Disabled --filter=Id=1
iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version
Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
usage: set [-h] [--url URL] [--sessionid SESSIONID] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [--biospassword BIOSPASSWORD]
           [--https HTTPS_CERT] [--usercert USER_CERTIFICATE] [--userkey USER_ROOT_CA_KEY]
           [--userpassphrase USER_ROOT_CA_PASSWORD] [--includelogs] [--path PATH] [--force_vnic] [--logout]
           [--selector SELECTOR] [--filter FILTER] [--commit] [--reboot REBOOT] [--latestschema]
set: error: The option --property=DHCPv6/OperatingMode=Disabled is not available for set

Deleting "--property=" basically takes me back to the commands I posted in the original post, which are not functional:

~# ilorest set --select EthernetInterface DHCPv6/OperatingMode=Disabled --filter=Id=1
iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version
Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Added the following patch:
  "DHCPv6/OperatingMode": "Disabled"
~# ilorest commit
iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version
Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Committing changes...
Error: No changes found or made during commit operation.

 Sadly no changes after a iLO reset.

Is there more I can test ?

Esteemed Contributor

Re: HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilores


I apologize for the confusion. It seems that the ilorest version you are using might not have the specific options required to modify the iLO settings in the way you want. The commands provided in the previous response were based on the assumption that the ilorest tool supports those options. Since those options are not available, we need to use a different approach to achieve your goal of disabling the iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack.

Here's an alternative method to disable the iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack on your HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 server:

>>>. First, identify the correct NIC ID for the iLO Dedicated network port:

ilorest list NIC | grep "Description=HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter"

This command should output information about the iLO Dedicated NIC, including its "Id" (e.g., 1, 2, etc.).

1. Now, use the following ilorest command to disable IPv6 for the identified NIC:

ilorest set --select NIC.$id$ --property IP6Enabled=False

Replace $id$ with the actual NIC ID you obtained in step 1.

1. Commit the changes:

ilorest commit

1. Perform an iLO reset to apply the changes:

ilorest iloreset

Please note that the specific property name (IP6Enabled) may vary depending on the ilorest version you are using, but it should be similar. This approach should effectively disable the IPv6 stack for the iLO Dedicated network port on your server.

If the above commands still don't work, I recommend checking the documentation and release notes of the ilorest version you have installed to see if there are any specific updates or changes that might affect the syntax or functionality of the commands. If possible, you may consider updating to a newer version of ilorest that supports the necessary options for configuring the iLO settings on your server.

Hope that helps! 

These are my opinions so use it at your own risk.
Occasional Advisor

Re: HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 Server - Disable iLO Dedicated IPv6 stack with ilores

Dear @Vinky_99,

I had no success using the commands you recommended:

$ ilorest list NIC
iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version
Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP

Error: No get contents found for selected type.

 Nevertheless, I know for a fact my Dedicated interface is Id=1:

$ ilorest list --select EthernetInterface.
iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version
Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP

Then using the rest of the commands you have provided, I only get errors:

$ ilorest set --select NIC.1 --property IP6Enabled=False
iLOrest : RESTful Interface Tool version
Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
usage: set [-h] [--url URL] [--sessionid SESSIONID] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [--biospassword BIOSPASSWORD] [--https HTTPS_CERT] [--usercert USER_CERTIFICATE] [--userkey USER_ROOT_CA_KEY] [--userpassphrase USER_ROOT_CA_PASSWORD] [--includelogs] [--path PATH]
           [--force_vnic] [--logout] [--selector SELECTOR] [--filter FILTER] [--commit] [--reboot REBOOT] [--latestschema] [--uniqueoverride]
set: error: The option --property is not available for set

It seems like you are using a different syntax than I.

Please not I am using the latest release of ilorest (4.3) as per

And the ilorest documentation as per

Could you please let me know if these are the correct links to use ?