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Re: IP / Network issue on ML 110 server

Frequent Advisor

IP / Network issue on ML 110 server

I have a server ML 110 that i want to change the IP address manually but each time i change the IP, it tells me the server will have to restart before the new setting will apply. It goes back to initial IP after the restart. What can i do pls?
Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: IP / Network issue on ML 110 server


Have you tried to reinstall/update the drivers?
Is it a G5?
Is the OS patched?
Do you have the NCU installed? Have you tried to update that?
Frequent Advisor

Re: IP / Network issue on ML 110 server

I have fixed the issue, it was one application that was set on maximum protection that was blocking everything.
Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: IP / Network issue on ML 110 server

Cool :) Which application was it?