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Re: ML 150 noise

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Jamie Holmes_2
Occasional Contributor

ML 150 noise


We are thinking of buying 3 Proliant ML 150 servers for a rack cabinet we have located here in the office. The main consideration apart from performance/reliability etc, is that the servers be as quiet as possible, since they will be located in close proximity to the office workers - can anyone tell me from first hand experience if these servers would be suitable? I know its not the ideal situation, but we do not have any other option at the moment
Respected Contributor

Re: ML 150 noise

Hi, do you know the sound of a vacuum cleaner? It wil be sound like this.

Excuse me to say, but if your company takes IT seriously the should at least give you a seperate room, cooling, dust, you know.

Best Regards,
Chaos, Panic or Disaster??? Always Stay Calm, I will fix it.
Jamie Holmes_2
Occasional Contributor

Re: ML 150 noise


Are you sure? Do you have one? As I got the decibel specs from HP and they appear to be (for this server with fixed disks when idle) to be around the 40DBa mark - the current 1U servers we have that are too noisy are ranked around 70DBa - about the same as a vacuum cleaner.

I already know what the decibel ratings are for this server and others, but what I really need to know is that if anyone has this server sitting next to them or ina server room running now who can tell me if it makes unbearable noise
Terry Hutchings
Honored Contributor

Re: ML 150 noise

I have a ML150 G1 and a ML150 G2 sitting nearby and neither one is loud.

These are about as loud as the average desktop.
The truth is out there, but I forgot the URL..