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ML 350 Bus Master POST error

Arch Stockton
Occasional Contributor

ML 350 Bus Master POST error

I receive an error during the POST of "Bus Master ERROR!" (Displayed Twice) when I have a Sony DVD+-R/W drive installed. When I remove the Sony drive the error goes away.
I am using a SA 641 with BBWC. The error occurs with both the Sony and the factory optical drive, or just the Sony. IDE settings are CS for both drives. I have tried Master and Slave as well.

How can I get rid of this error?
Thank you
Honored Contributor

Re: ML 350 Bus Master POST error


Setting both drives to CS is correct for the server... It is likely that the IDE controller on the ML350 detects the DVD drive like a HDD. If this is true, you only solution is use the DVD in another system or get a PCI based IDE controller that will work with the DVD drive.

Contact HP and get a definitive answer as to if the DVD R/W drive will work on the on-board controller.
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