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Re: ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053

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ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053

I have an HP ML110 G7 which I normally keep powered down.  Just recently I powered it back on and does not go into POST.  ILO3 console shows POST ERROR: 0053.  No video is shown on connected video device.  I cannot find this code anywhere in any HP documentation or knowledge basei on the internet.  I'm totally at a loss.  I've removed the only PCI card (RAID) and reseeded memory modules to no avail.  The only think I noticed is the HDD light on the front panel is not lit.  So I ordered a new backplane for the LFF enclosure thinking that may be the problem.

Any idea would be greatly appreciated. 


Re: ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053


If there are any third party devices, then remove it and see if it helps. If not reduce the server's NVRAM. You may refer to section "System maintenance switch" on page 63 of the HPE ProLiant ML110 G7 Server Maintenance and Service Guide for information for how to clear NVRAM.

If it does not help, reduce the server to base configuration.


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Re: ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053

Yes with minimum configuration you should be able to find the faulty component. Try bare minimum using systemboard, 1 CPU and 2 Dimms. Swap the components to isolate and if swapping also does not help then it is possible the issue is the systemboard. You can get a support ticket logged if you need further assistance.

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Re: ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053

Followed the clearing of the NVRAM process.  It is not a simple process as the switches are so small I could not even see if they were on of off.  Had to use a  phone camera with a zoom in order to see and still not sure if the swich was actually in the "on" position (up) but tried anyways.  This did not change anything.  I also replaced the back plane of the LFF drive enclosure to no avail.  I did remove all memory modules except one -- same issue.

Replaced the power supply -- same issue.

I wonder if there's a reset procedure for the power supply backplane?

I'm really at a lost. 

Established Member

Re: ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053

I was finally able to get the server up and running after removing the P410 SAS controller.  The controller was used with my 4 RAID5 drives.  I know the main board has a built-in SATA connector but when I go into RBSU to enable it, it warns about data loss which I do not want to happen.  Should I order a P410 SAS controller to replace the defective one?  Would I be able to reconfigure it without data loss?


Re: ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053

The information of the Array is saved on the drives. So if the drives were being controlled by P410 and if that is the faulty component then please replace with the same. If you want to change the controller to a different model then this will be like a new config. Recommendation would be to replace the controller with same model and then backup data. If you want to change the controller model then re-create the array and restore data from backup.

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Re: ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053

Received a used P410and after installing it, received the same POST 0053 error and would not boot up. It was probably another faulty one. I ordered another from Amazon. Hopefully it will be functional.
Established Member

Re: ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053

Finally fixed after replacing the P410 with a working one.

Re: ML110 G7 POST ERROR: 0053

Hello @RJC123,

That's Excellent! 

We are extremely glad to know the problem has been resolved and we appreciate you for keeping us updated. 

Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
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