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Re: Query: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%

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ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%

Hi all.. New here.. So we have a handful of the above servers they all have the TESLA t4 cards in them (2) the Fans stay at around 52% and the server is very loud.. If i take the cards out the server is perfect... I have updated the ILO and BIOS to the latest version it did not help..


Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how to get this quiet. Its should not spin this much just being idle, its very annoying.. any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


thank you

System Recommended

Query: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%

System recommended content:

1. HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus Server - Overview

2. ProLiant DL360 Server Maintenance and Service Guide


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Re: Query: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%

what is this? I dont need an overview, i need a soltuion lol


Re: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%


How many fans are there in this server?
If we see the QuickSpecs, page#59, if T4 is installed, this server needs a High Performance Fan Kit P26477-B21 (7 Fans)
Also check the Extended Ambient Temperature Guidelines.

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Re: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%

There are 7 fans in it
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Re: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%

The server was built and bought right I do believe.. Like i stated if i take the cards out it is quiet as can be.. The cards are not hot ... Power is set to optimal. I have adjusted every single thing in the BIOS and or ilo and it has not made a difference...  There is just something about these video cards that cause the fans to spin high and never shut up. Its very frustrating.


Re: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%


Please set the fan speed to increased cooling and check the outcome.  

-> To set the Fan speed, perform the following steps from the System Utilities screen:

Select System Configuration
Select BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU)
Select Advanced Options
Select Fan and Thermal Options
Select Thermal Configuration

-> Also set the workload based on the OS environment (for virtualised environment- Virtualisation max performance) and (for non-virtualised environment- High Performance Compute)

-> Additionally check the ambient/environmental temperature in the room where the server is kept. 

And NVIDIA T4 16GB Computational Accelerator for HPE тИТ Requires High Performance Fan Kit. 

Please refer page#59

Please log a support case so that fan details can be checked from the logs.

I am an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%

We have the proper high speed fan kit (7)


Why would making settings to make it COOL MORE make the fans quieter.. Changing it to more extreme cooling should have the adverse affects?


Re: ProLiant DL360 Gen10 Plus with 2 Tesla T4 Cards VERY LOUD... Fans at 52%


Please kindly submit a support case so that we can analyze the logs and provide further recommendations.

I am an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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