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Re: Proliant ML350 w/ Smart Array 431 RAID questions

Occasional Advisor

Proliant ML350 w/ Smart Array 431 RAID questions

Current configuration is Proliant ML 350 w/ a smart array 431 and two 9.1 gig Compaq HD's in a RAID 1 setup running Win 2k server sp4.
We are out of space and would like to replace the current RAID controller & HD's w/ IDE RAID controller & HD's. The Question now is how to due it. (1)If I break the mirror (need to know how first) will the drives each become bootable using a standard SCSI interface? (2)If I then boot using another drive in another PC with the SCSI drive as a slave can I create a Ghost image file and then restore that file to the replacement drive for the server? (3) Does this screw up the SID? (4) Do I need to give up the "Ghost", have a beer or two and just rebuild the server with the new pieces and parts?
Sunil Jerath
Honored Contributor

Re: Proliant ML350 w/ Smart Array 431 RAID questions

Hello Tim,
The best solution would be No. 4 :)). SA431 is a low end controller and you don't have too many choices. Surely all the data would be messed up. Do make a backup first. You cannot migrate the data/Raid from SCSI to IDE or vice versa.

Trusted Contributor

Re: Proliant ML350 w/ Smart Array 431 RAID questions

I believe you have two options:

1) Do as previously suggested and start from scratch.

2) Produce a Ghost Image of the Windows partitions across the network to another PC and then restore that image to your new IDE setup. Win2K plug and pray should handle this, but I've never tried it.

All in all, if you are not concerned about losing I would take option 1.

Either way if it is a DC you should run dcpromo and you can always run sysprep if you are worried about the SID but there should be no need. If it is the only DC then you need to build a second one and move the FSMO roles (and other bits and bobs) before you start.
Trusted Contributor

Re: Proliant ML350 w/ Smart Array 431 RAID questions

Sorry, above should read:

All in all, if you are not concerned about losing data, I would take option 1.

My bad.