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sysprep setup wizard loops

Ayman Altounji
Valued Contributor

sysprep setup wizard loops

I'm having a problem with sysprep on all of my Proliant servers. I run sysprep 1.1, then ghost the server. After I apply the ghost image to a new machine, the mini-setup wizard keeps on running in a loop. Microsoft has a tech document (Q277835) regarding this problem, and they say its because of the Compaq NIC teaming drivers. The only solution they say, is to not setup the original server you're imaging with Smart start. This kind of defeats the purpose of imaging servers if I can't have them imaged with all the Compaq software. Any suggestions?

Ayman Altounji
Valued Contributor

Re: sysprep setup wizard loops

I had encountered the same problem with sysprep and ghosting. So I too called the Compaq tech support. I was told the only way not to have Nic Teaming installed by default is by doing a manual install with Smart Start. I did and ran sysprep and ghosted my servers successfully. You can enable Nic teaming after if you want to, but you cannot uninstall it. Hope this help some. George