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Re: Linux Tools for Smart Array 641/ML 350 Server for Debian stable 3.0 ?

Rei├Я, Thomas
Regular Advisor

Linux Tools for Smart Array 641/ML 350 Server for Debian stable 3.0 ?

Are there anywhere Tools for that RAID Controller and the SErver ML350 that will run under GNU/Debian Stable ?

With Kernel 2.4.21 runs Debian fine, but i have no Diagnostic or Configuration Tool 8-(
Thomas Rei├Я
Tim Small
Occasional Advisor

Re: Linux Tools for Smart Array 641/ML 350 Server for Debian stable 3.0 ?

Given that Debian is the second most popular, and fastest growing Linux server distribution:

Compaq's lack of support for them is strange - I'm not entirely sure why they have got behind Suse, but not Debian....

So, I am left with trying to hammer the Redhat RPM onto the Debian/Sarge servers that I am configuring, with much associated gnashing of teeth.

Sort it out, HP...
Rei├Я, Thomas
Regular Advisor
Tim Small
Occasional Advisor

Re: Linux Tools for Smart Array 641/ML 350 Server for Debian stable 3.0 ?

Well, this is even better....

"Many HP employees are members of the Debian development community.
├в ┬в Paul Bame, Dann Frazier, Bdale Garbee, Eric Schwartz, Al Stone, Matt Taggart, and Matthew Wilcox among others are "Debian Developers"
├в ┬в HP hosts several iimportant servers for the Debian project, including, a full primary mirror (85GB); and, ia64 development systems; and, a hppa development system.
├в ┬в HP has donated additional systems to the Debian project that are used for infrastructure and pporting efforts
├в ┬в HP uses Debian as its internal development platform

Making the lack of debs strange indeed. A left hand / right hand problem,
Tim Small
Occasional Advisor

Re: Linux Tools for Smart Array 641/ML 350 Server for Debian stable 3.0 ?

Ahh, sorry, we must have both been posting at the same time... It is at least good that things seem to be moving in the right direction.

New Member

Re: Linux Tools for Smart Array 641/ML 350 Server for Debian stable 3.0 ?

Did anyone found this tools for 2.6 kernel?
New Member

Re: Linux Tools for Smart Array 641/ML 350 Server for Debian stable 3.0 ?

Did anyone find this tools for 2.6 kernel?