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Re: 10Gb NIC NC523SFP on Windows 2012 R2 causes BSOD, VMQ issue

Fred Blum
Valued Contributor

10Gb NIC NC523SFP on Windows 2012 R2 causes BSOD, VMQ issue

We are using DL380 G7 (XE 5650 6 cores 12 threads) with W2012 R2 Hyper-V Cluster with the NC523SFP 10Gb NIC.

We are using this driver:

HPE QLogic P3P Multifunction Driver for Windows Server 2012 R2

Which according to the discreption solved this issue:

This product addresses an issue where the Virtual Memory Queue (VMQ) causes 100% CPU usage on a single core.

Still we are seeing BSOD stopcode 133.. When I disable VMQ in the team and NIC settings, the issue is gone.  We are using LACP, so switch dependent load balancing with hashtag load balancing mode.

I believe this is caused by overloading CPU 0 the kernel CPU due to overlapping processors used by the VM Queues. Will setting the processors to be used by VMQ solve this issue? Do you set cores or threads?

Set-NetAdapterVMQ -Name тАЬEthernet1тАЭ -BaseProcessorNumber 4 -MaxProcessors 5
(VMQ would use processors 4,6,8,10,12)
Set-NetAdapterVMQ -Name тАЬEthernet2тАЭ -BaseProcessorNumber 14 -MaxProcessors 5
(VMQ would use processors 16,18,20,22,24)







Re: 10Gb NIC NC523SFP on Windows 2012 R2 causes BSOD, VMQ issue

As you have mentioned, the issue was addressed with the said Driver version. For more information about setting the VMQ for a processor, Microsoft would be able to provide assistance.

Write back for any further clarifications.

Thank you

I am an HPE employee
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Re: 10Gb NIC NC523SFP on Windows 2012 R2 causes BSOD, VMQ issue

Please let us know if the issue is resolved.

Thank you

I am an HPE employee
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