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Re: HDD Raid configuration without boot menu

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HDD Raid configuration without boot menu


we are planning to add HDD for our HP server. Kindly advise how can I do raid configuration without going to the boot menu. Is there any method to configure the raid via iLO ?

Appreciate for your assistance 

Thank you


Frequent Advisor

Re: HDD Raid configuration without boot menu

You need the server to stay online, without downtime? Correct?

- What OS are you using?
- Do you have HPE SPP?
- Do you have HPE iLO Advanced license installed?



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Re: HDD Raid configuration without boot menu

Hi Croweb,

Yes that is correct. I need the server to stay online without have any downtime.

- What OS are you using?

Currently we are using 64-bit operating system, Windows Server 2019 Standard.

- Do you have HPE SPP?

We dont have HPE SPP. Do we need to install HPE SPP?

- Do you have HPE iLO Advanced license installed?

How can we check this HPE iLO Advanced license install in server?

Thank you

Best Regards,






Re: HDD Raid configuration without boot menu


The one time boot menu does not allow for creation of RAID array from the installed hard drives.

If the server is any upto Generation 7, then you may restart or power on the servr, as the case may be. and at the POST prompt, press the key 'F5" to launch the Option ROM Configuration for Arrays (ORCA) for creating RAID array from the installed hard drives and create logical drive as well to install the Operating System (OS).

If the server is Generation 8 and above, restart or power on the server and press the key 'F10' to launch Intelligent Provisioning and then either continue to use Intelligent Provisioning and configure array and proceed to install the OS, or launch HPE Smart Storage Administorator (HPE SSA) to create RAID array and logical alone, exit and then install OS as a separate step.


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Occasional Contributor

Re: HDD Raid configuration without boot menu


Thank you for the information.

Can we do RAID configuration without going restarting the server or power on the server?

Kindly advise is there any method to configure the RAID via HPE iLO?

Appreciate for your assistance

Thank you 

Best Regards,



Re: HDD Raid configuration without boot menu


You cannot create RAID arrays directly from within iLO, but, by using iLO, you may access the iLO's funtionality 'Remote Console' and view the server's console and use the power options to restart the server and create RAID arrays. On nonblade servers, a license must be installed to use the integrated remote console after the OS is started


I work for HPE
Views expressed herein are my personal opinion and are not the views of HPE

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Re: HDD Raid configuration without boot menu

Hello @nur_aliah,

Let us know if you were able to resolve the issue.

If you have no further query and you are satisfied with the answer then kindly mark the topic as Solved so that it is helpful for all community members.

Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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