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EX490 Recovery Disc

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EX490 Recovery Disc

Hello, i was given a mediasmart ex490 with WHS key on the bottom but he has said that he had wiped it completely to remove his personal data. Meaning no OS at all.

Does anybody know where i can download the iso for this NAS? Or where to contact HP to order a new disc pack for it?
107 REPLIES 107
Frequent Advisor

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

I have two CD's that came with my EX490. "Server Recovery Disk" and "PC Restore Disk". If you have no luck getting copies from HP I can make copies and send them to you.


Tom Hayes


Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Thanks Tom. I have tried contacting HP but they just kept trying o transfer me in a gigantic circle without getting something accomplished.

Would you be so kind as to make the copies? I have the option of having you upload the copies to my server if you'd like via FTP?
New Member

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Hi everyone,


Has anyone found a site where this software can be downloaded?

I can't find the software for my HP MediaSmart Server EX490.

Please help!

Frequent Advisor

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Sure, I can upload them to your FTP if you like. I have two CD's. One is the recovery CD you run on your PC when you want to restore your PC from the server. The other is the recovery CD for the server itself. I had to use that because one of the hard drives in the server crashed.

It is NOT intuitive how to run the Server Recovery process. I did manage to get thru to HP and had a tech talk me through it. I wrote all the instructions down so I can send them along, too. Since you have not ever used the server, you would use the "Set to Factory Default" recovery since there is no data you need to save on the Server. You can email your FTP info to me at personal info erased so you won't have to post passwords on a BBS.





Re: EX490 Recovery Disc



I Too have the Same Issue that Jvoytko has... i'm a Pc repair Tech and i acquired my EX490 from a auction

and it did not have any drives in it or discs.... so when i went searching the internet for recovery discs i was kinda shocked to find out you can't get them anymore, so while searching the internet i found your post here ... so i would like to ask if would be willing to upload a copy of your cd's as well...i do have Gmail and i also have Dropbox...and i would be willing to compensate you for your time , as i'm trying to set this server up in my home to handle all my tech files that i use for my workbench.


if it's not too much trouble , you can email me at

**personal info erased**


and I'll get together with you or i can give you my number or vice-versa and go from there.


would very much appreciate getting a copy of those discs so i can get my Ex490 up and running.


Thank You ,



Daniel j Watkins.



Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Sorry, got into a bit of trouble with the little lady or would have replied sooner. Thanks and I'll send you those details bright tomorrow morning, Tom. Thanks again.

Voices, if you don't mind I'll send you an email with ftp details as well so you may download as well.

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Hiya Guys!


sorry i havn't been father passed away right after i talked to you tom so i been a little busy getting him all taken care of ...the image file that i downloaded from ya tom didn't work... seems after putting the dvd image back together the server didn't like now i'm gonna need to get a complete DVD image or ISO somehow... and after fighting with the server i finally got the startup routine  so here's what happen...i did the pin thingy and got the server to see the other pc...did the normal stuff untill the server started to read and install the dvd..then it gave me a unknown error when trying to install the IMAGE file... so maybe you know what that would be    all i know is i'm prolly gonna need to get a complete copy of the DVD for the other cd's they worked fine


jvoy...feel free to jump in...and i havn't gotten any email from ya yep but feel free to do so..i could always use the help


( and a side note)   MR.Hayes is prolly the nicest most patient man i've ever talked to on the phone having to put up with   thanks for putting up with me tom



so i'm still kinda stuck at square one sorta any help will be much appreciated


i have google drive and dropbox... but i don't think it will hold the DVD image as it's above 4gb.. so if anyone have a me please


**personal info erased**


Thanks GANG !




Re: EX490 Recovery Disc



to anyone with a EX490 Software Problem.


Tom & Jeff  are hands down the 2 best People to talk to with this issue..if they can't help ya ..your outta luck :)


thank you to both Tom and Jeff...My EX490 is now Up and Running...   both of these guys are my heroes :)




Thank You Tom & Jeff.


Daniel J Watkins

Frequent Advisor

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

To anyone with an HP 490 Server "I can't find the CD's problem".  I created disk images of the three CD's that come with the server. 

The three disks are:

Server Recovery Disk - for regenerating the Server OS

PC Restore Disk - for recovering PC from server. Boot from this disk in PC to start recovery

Software Installation Disk - for installing the backup Software on the PC


********New File Location******************

Apparently Dropbox decided too may people were accessing these files so they blocked my account. I've reposted the disk images on Google Drive at the link below. All the other instructions are the sme.


Use CD burning software that will create a CD from an ISO image and you can recreate the HP distribution disks. Scans of the CD labels are included so if you're a neatnick you can print the disk label for the disk.


You have to go through some gymnastics to re-load the OS in the server.  Here's how to do that.


Instructions for initializing drives in home server
    Start PC in safe-mode with networking enabled
    Set PC IP address to
    Connect PC to server with straight-thru network cable bypassing any hubs and switches in line.
    Start server Recovery software on PC from "Server Recovery" CD.
    Reboot Server and go into recovery mode. (Use paper clip to press button on front panel of server within 4 seconds or so of powering it up.) 
The PC should find the server. You want to do the factory initialization routine.
The rest is menu driven and pretty straightforward.
Don't forget to set your PC IP address back to it's former setting when you reboot the PC upon completion.



I also included a PDF of the user's guide. This explains how to get the server into recovery mode. This requires the use of a paperclip.  As well as misc documentation I downloaded from MS regarding the Home Server software.


Once you reinitialize the server you have to reinstall the software on your PC that talks to the server. Use the Software Installation disk for that.


The third disk is for recovering your PC from the server after your PC burps. You restart your PC and boot from this CD and it will guide you through the recovery.


Guys, this note is the result of many calls to HP tech support to figure out how to reinitialize the server. HP does notr make it obvious when calling tech support that you want help with the Home Server. That's not one of the choices on the voice menu. If you need to talk to tech support and get stuck with the voice menu, the device you want help with is either "Media Vault" or "MediaSmart" server. That will get you to a tech who knows what he's doing.


Good Luck,

Tom Hayes   **personal info erased**




New Member

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

I think my server is totally rooted... I tried running the recovery software and follow all the instructions ->safe mode -> change IP -> reset button -> etc but the recovery software is still stopping at stage two... The error message is not helpful either.... (what kind of software engineer put error massage "unknown error")... I am about to give up now... no more HP media server for me... support is terrible, software is hard to find and software leave much to be desire...  hopefully I don't loose all the data... I am hoping to pull out all the hardrives and connect to my PC manually... hopfully my pc can read the hardrives... I wasted so much time on this already... 


Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Hey Walt.. Don't give up so fast..... I had the same issues like you have and both of these guys helped steer me in the right direction... let me explain... both of these great guys helped me get the recovery disks I needed to restore my I had NO cd's or hard I got the hard drives and then had to get the cd's...both of these gents went out of there way to help me aquire the software needed to get my server on to your issue...I had the same issue as you have when I started to install the software..and Dispite tom's expert knowlage on the mediasmart servers..i did something different...BECAUSE it wouldn't install doing the Fixed IP address or trying to do it in safe mode (warning! I did mine unconventional) I installed my software by leaving the internet hooked up and NOT in safe mode..mostly because the connector software acted more stupid than a HP I will say to you....when all else what your NOT supposed to do with the software and it just might did for me :) try running the connector software with everything set as normal..oh and one more thing...THAT **bleep** reset PIN is a Pain in you have to hit it at jusssst the right time to get everything to sync up :) then you should be good to go :) besides what I've to tom and jeff..these guys are Amazing....just don't give up too soon....I didn't and now my server is up and running :) Good Luck Walt ! Daniel Watkins VoicesFYC

New Member

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

I am trying to recover data from an EX 490 server.  It appears that something catastrophic has occurred.  I am A+ certified with a load of network experience.  First time with this box.  Does the server recovery disc harm the existing data?  There are 4 1.5 TB drives and it is nearly full of data for a business.  There is a backup of 80% of their data.  I am trying to help recover as much as possible.






New Member

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Looks like you are a victim of your own success as the dropbox link you provided is temporarily blocked by dropbox due to excessive traffic.  Do you have this uploaded anywhere else?  I have a similar issue where my system drive has bad sectors and needs to be replaced (thanks SMARTWHS).  However I purchased this 5 years ago now and no longer have the discs.


Thanks much!

New Member

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Hello, I have the same issue can not restore because of lost disks I tried the dropbox and the link is dead can someone re-post the ISO for this server please. Thanks

New Member

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

I would be willing to throw in if we could get a paid site for downloading the ISO images. I have been look every where for these. I have a nice looking paper weight on my desk  >:)

Frequent Advisor

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

I just updated my link to the disk ISO images. Ther are now here.


If you give me a few minutes I'll also upload the instructions to the same Google Drive acct.


Tom Hayes

Frequent Advisor

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

I finaaly remembered to update the link to the disk ISO images.


Tom Hayes

Frequent Advisor

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Frequent Advisor

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

New Member

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Can you please upload the Server Recovery Disc again? I can't see it in your link.

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

i might be wrong...but the SoftwareInstallation.iso is gonna be what you need :)   try that :)



NOTE to TOM and JEFF   ... MIGHT wanna NAme the ISO images the Same as the PICTURES so everyone knows what CD is What :)   and Tom..i downloaded everything as well so i have a backed up archive of everything :)


in case you  guys have any data loss :)  and i still get mail from here :)





Daniel J Watkins


g imhoff

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Thanks for putting these up Tom.  Are SoftwareRecoveryDisk and SoftwareRecoveryDisk2 the same file or would I need to download both?



Frequent Advisor

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

These two files, "HPRecoveryDisk" and "...Disk2" SHOULD be the same. I had someone complain that they could not download the Recover Disk so I uploaded it again.



g imhoff

Re: EX490 Recovery Disc

Thanks very much. Maybe you could give me a bit of advice as well. I just purchased a used ex490. The guy who sold it to me told me that he was sure all was working fine with it, although I didn't ask him whether or not he wiped the 1TB drive clean or not.


Today I plugged it in the for the first time and the health light blinks red for a while and then goes solid red.  Tried installing the software on my PC (Windows 7) but it says the server could not be located. I tried the paper clip reset thing and the health light blinks 1 blue and then 4 red. 


Any ideas what I should do next?  Do I need to attempt to reinstall the server OS (which I hear can be difficult) or is there something else I can try?

