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Re: corrupted data on the backup media in Colorado 14gb

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corrupted data on the backup media in Colorado 14gb

I have tried 3 different tape to do a full system backup. I get errors that have to do with corrupt data. Some of them include: File header not found on media [4872 1308]"
Another is: "(file name)error reading from storage device", and "corrupted data on the backup media". It sounds like a drive problem. Is there any way to fix this or get it repaired?
Sean Obee
New Member

Re: corrupted data on the backup media in Colorado 14gb


How old are the tapes you are using to backup?
Have you tried retentioning your tapes? Go go Tools, Media, Retention
If you have only a set few tapes that are failing please contact the HP Contact Center to setup a case number to see about possibly having your media exchanged.

New Member

Re: corrupted data on the backup media in Colorado 14gb

The tapes are about a year old. The HP media monitor says they are good. One of them has only been used 3 times. I have tried retensioning all 3 tapes. These errors are found in the Report after the backup and verify are complete. Is there anything else I can do to verify that it is the drive? Can the drive be repaired?
Sean Obee
New Member

Re: corrupted data on the backup media in Colorado 14gb

I would firstly try the HP Tape Diagnostic utility which will test the functionality of the drive itself. You can download the utility from and then reflash the firmware on the drive depending if its internal the link is or external