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HPE showcases its IoT portfolio at Mobile World Congress 2018

I want to give you some insight into the HPE portfolio of IoT products that you can discover at Mobile World Congress 2018, ranging from the HPE Edgeline Converged Edge Systems that facilitate high performance compute at the edge of the network therefore reducing latency and bandwidth demands, through to the Aruba Networks portfolio of Wi-Fi and BLE systems for in-building/on campus IoT solutions and the HPE Universal IoT Platform which focuses on wide area network IoT services across multiple connectivity options and industry verticals.   These products are supported by services from HPE Pointnext and a vibrant ecosystem of partners in the device, application and Go To Market areas.

At Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona, HPE will be showcasing how these products can be used as part of broader IoT solutions, with a focus on how these benefit not just our telco customers but all industry verticals.

Within the HPE Universal IoT Platform showcase we will be focusing on how we can deliver IoT solutions that address the tough sustainability challenges facing our world today, working with our colleagues within HPE and our external partners.  Challenges such as: ‘How can we double agriculture outputs to feed a growing population through the use of IoT based Smart Agriculture / Precision Farming solutions?”, or “How can we improve the lives of citizens in an increasingly urbanized world through the deployment of IoT solutions to empower a Smart City?”. 

At HPE we recognize the challenge of meeting the growing demand for computing power in a resource constrained world. By using sustainability as a driver for innovation and growth, we are building the IT infrastructure of the future, and empowering our customers to do exponentially more with less impact on the planet. We call it Living Progress, accelerating innovation and time to value to solve some of the world’s toughest social and environmental challenges.

Smart Agriculture

IoT may conjure images of consumer products, but the possibilities for IoT go much further. Consider agriculture. The global population is predicted to top 9 billion people by 2050, and experts estimate that agricultural output will need to double to meet that demand. IoT solutions are laying the foundation for a digital agriculture revolution, with the potential to significantly increase the food produced from finite land and water resources.  

The HPE Universal IoT Platform ecosystem enables customers to manage and analyze IoT devices and the data they generate, even in remote locations, You’ll learn how the HPE Universal IoT Platform reports on key data points for precision farming such as UV light, humidity, air temperature, water level, soil PH, and soil salinity, and enable farmers to optimize crop production, as well as how that data can be shared/resold to empower other use cases in adjacent industries by utilizing the oneM2M industry standard.  Our demo, built in collaboration with our ecosystem partner, Synelixis Solutions S.A.,  will show how this data can be enriched with data from other sensors such as infrared cameras to protect against damage from animals or other factors.


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Smart Cities

For Smart Cities, HPE will have two showcases using the HPE Universal IoT Platform at MWC this year.  We will be showing how the data from a plethora of sensors using different protocols and connectivity types is collected, normalized using the oneM2M industry standard, and then exposed to the City’s operational teams as well as its citizens.  This will enable citizens to directly interrogate this data themselves by using a Chatbot, enabled by HPE Smart Interaction Server (SIS), to answer questions such as the air quality and levels of congestions/crowd numbers in an area they wish to visit.

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Video Surveillance

One challenge facing many cities and governments and our CSP customers is how to best enable the leading edge services required to make a city or region “Smart” whilst optimizing cost and particularly network bandwidth.   Video surveillance and monitoring for example, is a key solution used by cities and other customers across multiple industries for safety, security and many other use cases.   Sending every bit of video data from the thousands of cameras at the edge back to the core or to the cloud for processing is often too slow and expensive. The solution: collect and process video data at the edge and only send relevant data. Come see how the HPE Universal IoT Platform works together with HPE Edgeline Converged Edge Systems to remedy these issues and helps transform both industries and future cities to be more efficient, agile and resolve any security concerns. Video at the Intelligent Edge.png



This demo, like those for Smart Agriculture and Smart Cities utilizes devices and applications from HPE’s Connect IoT ecosystem system of partners.  Those utilized in our demos at MWC include:

Empowering our customer to do more with less, so that they can solve the world’s toughest challenges.  That’s Living Progress.

Visit us at Mobile World Congress 2018, HPE Booth Hall 3 E311.

I’ll be happy to tell you more about out IoT portfolio when we meet.

Chris Meering. CMS WW IoT Solution Lead

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About the Author


I have been part of the Communications Media Solutions (CMS)- IoT Worldwide Practice since its inception. My responsibilities include for “Go to Market” activities for the HPE Universal IoT Platform and working across industry verticals within HPE as an IoT Subject Matter Expert. I have over 30 years of operational, consulting, and business development experience in the telecommunications sector with companies such as BT, Eircom, and Capgemini before joining HPE. As part of the HPE IoT organization I have been working closely with HPE’s Automotive Industry Vertical on the area of Connected Vehicles focusing on applications, services and connectivity.