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How high-performance compute can help you build a greener IT

Data centers are big energy users. HPC has sustainability advantages that might surprise you.

By Dr. Munther Salim, Distinguished Technologist, HPE Pointnext Services consulting

HPE-Pointnext-Services-technology-services-consulting-sustainability-HPC.pngWhen we think about the kinds of technologies that help businesses create more sustainable IT operations, high-performance computing may not be among the first that come to mind. But in fact HPC and sustainability are rapidly converging. IT leaders who are looking for ways to contribute to their companyโ€™s overall environmental goals should give these systems a closer look.

In a recent article, I explain why: The Convergence of High-Performance Compute and Sustainability. Data centers are considered one of the big electricity users, I point out, but data center operators are working hard to drive down energy consumption to advance sustainability in their facilities. One way to do that is by adopting HPC solutions.

The article looks at two key impacts:

Operational carbon. High-performance compute systems can be more energy and resource efficient than traditional approaches because they include precise airflow management or use water for cooling. Direct liquid cooling (DLC) sytems, for instance, can deliver savings of about 10% by eliminating server fans and traditional data hall cooling units. In addition, HPC water cooling presents opportunities for waste heat recovery; for example, to supplement facilities heating systems.

Embodied carbon. The greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the materials and activities involved in construction of the data center facility itself โ€“ including mining, manufacturing and transportation โ€“ are a significant source of carbon. By reducing the space and cooling infrastructure needed for the data center, HPC can lower embodied carbon while also reducing facility capital costs.

IT leaders can already claim considerable success in driving corporate, and global, sustainability. Efficiency improvements in data center infrastructure have helped to limit the growth of global energy demand, according to a November 2021 report from the IEA: Data Centres and Data Transmission Networks. CIOs will continue to seek out solutions that make good sense for the business and for the planet.

Learn more about HPE Pointnext Services and how we help you navigate whatโ€™s next.

Dr. Munther Salim.jpgDr. Munther Salim is a Distinguished Technologist, HPE Pointnext Services consulting. His focus includes data center green design, energy efficiency and sustainability, and operations consulting. He is an active participant and author in many industry organizations such as the Green Grid, 7x24 exchange, and ASHRAE.


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