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HP V1910-24G Switch Application program does not exist

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Occasional Visitor

HP V1910-24G Switch Application program does not exist

* *
* HP V1910-24G Switch BOOTROM, Version 169 *
* *
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Creation Date : Oct 12 2013
CPU L1 Cache : 32KB
CPU Clock Speed : 333MHz
Memory Size : 128MB
Flash Size : 128MB
CPLD Version : 002
PCB Version : Ver.B
Mac Address : CC3E5F7C5213

Application program does not exist.
BootRom password: Not required. Please press Enter to continue.


How to restore the device?



P.S. This thread has been moevd from ProCurve / ProVision-Based to Web and Unmanaged. - Hp forum moderator

Occasional Visitor

Re: HP V1910-24G Switch Application program does not exist

So, the solution is found. Sorry helpdesk HP has not responded to my question.

The first thing you need to download the old firmware (new not be able to restore the system.)

Here is the link:  https://h10145.www1.hpe.com/support/SupportLookUp.aspx

Download the firmware: 1910_5.20.R1111P01     16-Apr-2012    26-Apr-2012    Release notes     10.3 MB    

Next, connect the switch through the console port (the manual is) settings Connection:

Hyper Terminal settings


Turn off the power and then conclude. The screen displays the message:






* *

* HP V1910-24G Switch BOOTROM, Version 158 *

* *


Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Creation Date : Jun 15 2012
CPU L1 Cache : 32KB
CPU Clock Speed : 333MHz
Memory Size : 128MB
Flash Size : 128MB
CPLD Version : 002
PCB Version : Ver.B
Mac Address : CC3E5F7C5213

Application program does not exist.
Please input BootRom password:




Press Enter.



The screen displays the message:




1. Download application file to flash
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify BootRom password
6. Enter BootRom upgrade menu <- select this
7. Skip current system configuration
8. Set BootRom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot

Enter your choice(0-9): 6

1. Update full BootRom <- select this
2. Update extended BootRom
3. Update basic BootRom
0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-3): 1

1. Set TFTP protocol parameters
2. Set FTP protocol parameters
3. Set XMODEM protocol parameters <- select this
0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-3): 3

Please select your download baudrate:
1. 9600
2. 19200
3.* 38400
4. 57600
5. 115200
0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-5): 5
Download baudrate is 115200 bps
Please change the terminal's baudrate to 115200 bps and select XMODEM protocol
Press enter key when ready

Now please start transfer file with XMODEM protocol
If you want to exit, Press <Ctrl+X>
Loading ...CCCCDone!


Wait... ~20min

Will you Update Basic BootRom? (Y/N):Y
Updating Basic BootRom...Done!
Updating extended BootRom? (Y/N):Y
Updating extended BootRom...Done!
Please change the terminal's baudrate to 38400 bps, press ENTER when ready.
Press enter key when ready

1. Update full BootRom
2. Update extended BootRom
3. Update basic BootRom
0. Return to boot menu <- select this

Enter your choice(0-3): 0


1. Download application file to flash <- select this
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify BootRom password
6. Enter BootRom upgrade menu
7. Skip current system configuration
8. Set BootRom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot

Enter your choice(0-9): 1

1. Set TFTP protocol parameters
2. Set FTP protocol parameters
3. Set XMODEM protocol parameters <- select this
0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-3): 3

Please select your download baudrate:
1. 9600
2. 19200
3.* 38400
4. 57600
5. 115200 <- select this
0. Return to boot menu

Enter your choice(0-5): 5
Download baudrate is 115200 bps
Please change the terminal's baudrate to 115200 bps and select XMODEM protocol
Press enter key when ready

Are you sure to download file to flash? Yes or No (Y/N):Y
Now please start transfer file with XMODEM protocol
If you want to exit, Press <Ctrl+X>
Loading ...CCCDone!


Wait... ~20min


Load File name : default_file
The file already exists, will you overwrite it? (Y/N):Y

Free space: 98828288 bytes
Writing flash...................................................................


Please input the file attribute (Main/Backup/None) M
The attribute of V1910-CMW520-R1513P81.bin is changed from main to none!
Your baudrate should be set to 38400 bps again!
Press enter key when ready


1. Download application file to flash
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify BootRom password
6. Enter BootRom upgrade menu
7. Skip current system configuration
8. Set BootRom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot <- select this

Enter your choice(0-9): 0


* *

* HP V1910-24G Switch BOOTROM, Version 154 *

* *


Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Creation Date : Mar 19 2012
CPU L1 Cache : 32KB
CPU Clock Speed : 333MHz
Memory Size : 128MB
Flash Size : 128MB
CPLD Version : 002
PCB Version : Ver.B
Mac Address : CC3E5F7C5213

the normal and back basic is not equal, update back basic....
the normal and back extend is not equal, update back extend....
Press Ctrl-B to enter Extended Boot menu...0
Starting to get the main application file--flash:/default_file!.................

The main application file is self-decompressing.................................


System is starting...
Configuration file is skipped.
User interface aux0 is available.

Press ENTER to get started.
<HP V1910 Switch>
#Apr 26 12:02:14:504 2000 HP V1910 Switch SHELL/4/LOGIN:
Trap login from Console
%Apr 26 12:02:14:644 2000 HP V1910 Switch SHELL/4/LOGIN: Console login from aux0
User view commands:
initialize Delete the startup configuration file and reboot system
ipsetup Specify the IP address of the VLAN interface 1
password Specify password of local user
ping Ping function
quit Exit from current command view
reboot Reboot system
summary Display summary information of the device.
upgrade Upgrade the system boot file or the Boot ROM program

<HP V1910 Switch>


ALL OK! Switch WORK!


[Note: broken link updated by Mod]

New Member

Re: HP V1910-24G Switch Application program does not exist

Thanks for this post.


For users who are uploading throug tftp, you have to reboot the switch after updating the extended BootRom. After that you can upload the main application file.


 p.s. i used a V1910-48G Switch.

New Member

Re: HP V1910-24G Switch Application program does not exist

for me this solution

doesnt work.



*                                                                              *
*                   3COM 2920-SFP Plus BOOTROM, Version 154                    *
*                                                                              *
Copyright(c) 2004-2012 3Com Corp. and its licensors. All rights reserved.

Creation Date       : Mar 19 2012
CPU L1 Cache        : 32KB
CPU Clock Speed     : 333MHz
Memory Size         : 128MB
Flash Size          : 128MB
CPLD Version        : 002
PCB Version         : Ver.B
Mac Address         : 4001C6791507

Press Ctrl-B to enter Extended Boot menu...0
Starting to get the main application file--flash:/default_file!
The main application file does not exist--flash:/default_file!
Booting App fails!


Display all file(s) in flash:

File Number    File Size(bytes)     File Name
1(*)           10184064             default_file
2              151                  system.xml
3(*)           2101                 startup.cfg
Free space: 47620096 bytes


File Number    File Size(bytes)     File Name
No right Application file in the current device!


there is something else to try?


thank you

Occasional Visitor

Re: HP V1910-24G Switch Application program does not exist

Same for me. Does not work. It is not possible to find such old firmware, as I have slightly another model: JG538A. Old ones are just not recognised as firmware - I do not have an option to upgrade this or that: simply after downloading the old one I am faiiling back to meny of Configure Serial Port, etc. It just does not asking am I up to update basic and then extended firmware. If I upload a modern one - it does ask, but... freezing on "validating firmware". (Note: the modern one is really for exactly JG538A). Any ideas?

New Member

Re: HP V1910-24G Switch Application program does not exist

Unfortunatly the link to the download appears to be broken. I have a switch with this problem and replacing it is not an option. Help!


Re: HP V1910-24G Switch Application program does not exist

It appears there maybe a couple of solutions to this.

I found there appears to be 2 types of firmware releases for these procurve switches

For instance formware JG538A_5.20.R1120 was released in March 2019, this does not seem to include the boot rom component.

In April the alternative firmware stream was released as 1910_5.20.R1519P06. this does appear to include the boot rom component of the firmware..

The 1910_5.20.R1519P06 release covers all 1910 varients including POE.. (but please confirm this your self)

Therefore when I flashed the firmware of my 1910-48g from JG540A-CMW520-R1102 to 1910_5.20.R1519P06 it worked fine.

Where as when I tried to flash the firmware of my 1910-48g from JG540A-CMW520-R1102 to 1910_5.20.R1120 it confinued to fail with an error related to "could not load next boot environment". 

Here's the current URL to version 1519P06


Occasional Contributor

Re: HP V1910-24G Switch Application program does not exist

Hello, how are you? I have the same problem, you could solve it