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Questions about your infrastructure and containerization? Find the answers here.

So you’ve started your journey towards containerization. Great! We think you’ll find it is well worth the trip. But whether you are migrating old apps or building new ones, you may have begun a list of questions about what this all means for your underlying infrastructure. One of the most interesting and important areas of questioning may focus on how networking fits into this overall container deployment. As data centers move from bespoke networks to universal cloud architectures, how does this work in a containerized environment? How does this differ from what was used for Virtual Machines?


larger group around table.jpgHPE, Arista, and Docker have the answers. And we’re looking to share those with you as part of our May 4  webinar titled: “Datacenter Automation and Visibility in Containerized Environments.” Networking experts from the three companies will discuss the merits of different networking choices when building your data center for Dockerized applications. Specific topics include:

  • Converged infrastructure with Arista EOS, HPE servers/storage, and Docker
  • Arista Container Tracer for visibility
  • ContainerOps with Docker containers on servers and switches 
  • Network tools and workflows using containers

    The presentation will conclude with an interactive Q&A session. Here’s the information you need to attend:

Date: Thursday, May 4
Time: 10:00 a.m. PT

The combined partnership of HPE, Arista, and Docker provides a best in class set of infrastructure components, fully integrated with the Docker ecosystem. This ranges from a built-in HPE/Docker appliance, to Docker Data Center for container, to tools such as Arista Container Tracer, and the ability to run Docker containers on both HPE compute and Arista networking equipment.

It’s all designed to make your journey to containerization faster, easier, and much more rewarding.

Join HPE, Arista, and Docker in this upcoming webinar and see just how far your containerization can take you.

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