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Introducing HPE GreenLake for Block Storage podcast

With some recent changes to my podcast, Around the IT Block, it now has a new home. In order to continue to listenAround the IT Block podcast(1).png to the podcast, you'll need to subscribe to it in it's new home. In this article, I give you all the details on what has changed and why and give you links to you can keep listening to every new episode!  

Here is the latest episode with big news

Today HPE had an HPE GreenLake announcement with several elements. I have a podcast on one of them HPE GreenLake for Block Storage. 

Simon Watkins, product marketing manager for Cloud Data Infrastructure and Cloud Data Services joins me to give an overview of the just announced HPE GreenLake for Block Storage offering. We discuss what customer challenges it is addressing, how it's different from public cloud block storage offerings and from the existing HPE GreenLake for Storage solution.


If you have been a reader of Around the Storage Block for any length of time, you know I've been podcasting for a long time - close to 12 years.  Originally, the blog and my podcast shared the name Around the Storage Block.

At the beginning of the year, I changed the name of the podcast to Around the IT Block to reflect that some of the topics I was going to cover weren't storage. I was then asked to make Around the IT Block an "official HPE podcast". Because of that change, I moved the podcast off the old hosting service. Here's a short 5 minute podcast to explain more about the changes. 

But the wheels some times don't move as fast as I'd like so for now, I don't have an page where I can point you to find my podcast. So I'll use this blog to point you to where you can find Around the IT Block and how you can subscribe to it. I'll also keep an episode guide here that I'll update as new episodes release. 

Still Haven't Found What You're Looking For? 

Let me make it easy for you to find the new podcast and subscribe. It has a new home on that is Discover More Network (dmn) is where we host podcasts and other events and of course ATITB is Around the IT Block. 

Here's the URL for the RSS feed. This is a very basic GUI and doesn't notify you when there's a new podcast but does give the list of each episode and you can click on an episode to listen or download it. The following list of podcast sites are places where you can subscribe and be notified when there is a new podcast. 

Something to Talk About

Here are each of the episodes to date you can listen to with links that take you to a (the hosting service) page where you can listen to each podcast but I do recommend that you subscribe so you don't miss an episode!

Thanks for listening to my podcast. If you have topics you'd like covered, leave me a comment. 

About Calvin Zito 

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I'm Calvin Zito and November 2021 marked 38 years with HP/HPE. I was  recognized as a 11 time VMware vExpert. As an early adopter of social media and active participant in communities, I've blogged for over 13 years. I'm also an avid Boise State fan. You can find me on Twitter as @CalvinZito. If you don't follow me on Twitter, please do it now! You can also contact me via email

Calvin Zito
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

I work at HPE
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About the Author


I have worked at HPE since 1983, spending nearly 30 years in HPE Storage. I'm expanding into other areas of focus at HPE like HPE GreenLake, compute, containers, AI, and more. My focus is creating videos that you can find on our HPE YouTube channel and