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Running MongoDB in OpenShift/Kubernetes on HPE 3PAR

Running MongoDB in Kubernetes on HPE 3PAR


This tutorial will show you how easy it is run a MongoDB on Kubernetes/Red Hat OpenShift. In addition to setting up MongoDB on Kubernetes, we will show you how to use the HPE 3PAR Volume Plug-in for Docker to present persistent volumes for use by the MongoDB nodes.

There are many ways you can run MongoDB in Kubernetes, a single instance or multiple instances via a StatefulSet. StatefulSets are recommended to be used for deploying databases in order to maintain stable deployments across Pod scheduling. This includes stable, persistent storage.

There are many examples of deploying MongoDB in Kubernetes found on the internet so this shouldn’t be anything new, yet we will show you how we will be using the HPE 3PAR Volume Plug-in for Docker to create a Storage Class and related 3PAR parameters that can be used for the data volumes for MongoDB.

We are assuming that you already have a Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift cluster deployed and the HPE 3PAR Volume Plug-in for Docker installed. If you need help with this go to the following pages to learn more:

Learn Kubernetes Basics


Learn Red Hat OpenShift

HPE 3PAR Volume Plug-in for Docker


Note: We will be using Red Hat OpenShift in this demo. You can use OpenShift oc commands and kubectl commands interchangeably.


Getting Started

Now that we have that out of the way, lets get started by setting up the Storage Class we will be using for our MongoDB instance. The Storage Class we will create will use the HPE 3PAR dynamic provisioner to create persistent volumes in Kubernetes that will help our databases operate at peak performance.

The following 3PAR volume parameters will be used in this example:

  • Fully provisioned volumes
  • All-flash 3PAR Storage array backend
  • Peer Persistence Replication enabled

You can customize them as needed. Full list of all Storage Class parameters supported by the 3PAR Dynamic provisioner can be found here.


Here is what our Storage Class looks like:

# cat sc-mongo.yml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sc-mongo
  provisioning: 'full'
  cpg: 'SSD_r6'
  backend: '3PAR_all_flash'
  replicationGroup: 'mongodb-app'


We will import the Storage Class so we can use it later to create the persistent volumes that we will need when we deploy MongoDB.

# oc create –f sc-mongo.yml


Let’s double check that everything looks okay in OpenShift

# oc describe sc sc-mongo
Name:                  sc-mongo
IsDefaultClass:        No
Annotations:           <none>
Parameters:            backend=3PAR_all_flash,cpg=SSD_r6,provisioning=full,replicationGroup=mongodb-app
AllowVolumeExpansion:  <unset>
MountOptions:          <none>
ReclaimPolicy:         Delete
VolumeBindingMode:     Immediate
Events:                <none>


Now we are ready to deploy Mongo. Here is an example of a StatefulSet from Kubernetes we will use. We will only need to modify the Storage Class to match the newly created storage class we created earlier.

You can find the MongoDB StatefulSet example from Google’s CodeLabs.

There are two sections in this deployment, the first is the headless service that is needed for the networking component of MongoDB and Kubernetes. The second section is the spec for 3 MongoDB instances using the StatefulSet object. We will update the volumeClaimTemplates section to specify the sc-mongo Storage Class.

It should look like this. It's a little long, but fairly straightforward.

# cat mongodb.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: mongo
    name: mongo
  - port: 27017
    targetPort: 27017
  clusterIP: None
    role: mongo
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: mongo
  serviceName: "mongo"
  replicas: 3 # by default is 1
        role: mongo
        environment: test
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
      - name: mongo
        image: mongo
          - mongod
          - "--replSet"
          - rs0
          - "--smallfiles"
          - "--noprealloc"
          - containerPort: 27017
          - name: mongo-persistent-storage
            mountPath: /data/db
      - name: mongo-sidecar
        image: cvallance/mongo-k8s-sidecar
          - name: MONGO_SIDECAR_POD_LABELS
            value: "role=mongo,environment=test"
  - metadata:
      name: mongo-persistent-storage
      annotations: sc-mongo
      accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
          storage: 50Gi


Once we have specified the sc-mongo Storage Class, we can create the MongoDB instances by running:

# oc create –f mongodb.yml


We can monitor the creation of the MongoDB instances:

# oc get pvc
NAME                               STATUS    VOLUME                                                   CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS        AGE
mongo-persistent-storage-mongo-0   Bound     sc-mongo-a667ce58-76a7-11e9-b787-0050569bb07c            50Gi       RWO            sc-mongo            1m
mongo-persistent-storage-mongo-1   Bound     sc-mongo-b47bc6b6-76a7-11e9-b787-0050569bb07c            50Gi       RWO            sc-mongo            1m
mongo-persistent-storage-mongo-2   Bound     sc-mongo-bee869cb-76a7-11e9-b787-0050569bb07c            50Gi       RWO            sc-mongo            1m

$ oc get pods

[root@o-master1 mongodb]# oc get pods
NAME                       READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
docker-registry-1-z4llz    1/1       Running             7          32d
mongo-0                    2/2       Running             0          1m
mongo-1                    2/2       Running             0          1m
mongo-2                    0/2       ContainerCreating   0          10s
pod-nginx                  1/1       Running             0          1d
pod-nginx-replicated       1/1       Running             0          1d
registry-console-1-j5528   1/1       Running             7          32d
router-1-fh4sd             1/1       Running             8          32d


You will also see the corresponding volumes being created on the 3PAR.

virt-3par-8440 cli% showvv
                                                                                    -Rsvd(MiB)- -(MiB)--
Id Name                       Prov Compr Dedup Type CopyOf BsId Rd -Detailed_State-  Snp    Usr    VSize
 2 .shared.SSD_r6_0           dds  NA    No    base ---       2 RW normal              0  37376 67108864
 3  virtware-primary-vol1     tdvv No    Yes   base ---       3 RW normal            512  62208  4194304
 1 .srdata                    full NA    NA    base ---       1 RW normal              0  92160    92160
 0 admin                      full NA    NA    base ---       0 RW normal              0  10240    10240
68 dcv-4DG6wcCpQIinncdAqeCioQ cpvv NA    NA    base ---      68 RW normal            512  51200    51200
69 dcv-AWwuviI3S42dnyIMHD864w cpvv NA    NA    base ---      69 RW normal            512  51200    51200
67 dcv-xKDaUH.6RFKC2fwrluj0Mw cpvv NA    NA    base ---      67 RW normal            512  51200    51200
 7 total                                                                            2048 355584 ‭7109836‬‬‬‬‬‬


You can also use showrcopy to check the status of the volumes being replicated.

virt-3par-8440 cli% showrcopy

Remote Copy System Information
Status: Started, Normal

Target Information

Name           ID Type Status Options Policy
virt-3par-7200  1 IP   ready  -       mirror_config

Link Information

Target         Node  Address      Status Options
virt-3par-7200 0:3:1 Up     -
virt-3par-7200 1:3:1 Up     -
receive        0:3:1 receive      Up     -
receive        1:3:1 receive      Up     -

Group Information

Name                 Target         Status   Role       Mode     Options
mongodb-app          virt-3par-7200 Started  Secondary  Sync
  LocalVV                    ID   RemoteVV                   ID   SyncStatus    LastSyncTime
  dcv-xKDaUH.6RFKC2fwrluj0Mw   67 dcv-xKDaUH.6RFKC2fwrluj0Mw   28 Synced        NA
  dcv-4DG6wcCpQIinncdAqeCioQ   68 dcv-4DG6wcCpQIinncdAqeCioQ   29 Synced        NA
  dcv-AWwuviI3S42dnyIMHD864w   69 dcv-AWwuviI3S42dnyIMHD864w   30 Synced        NA


You can connect to the MongoDB instances using the following connection string URI. Note this is using the service and ports defined in the Service spec.



The use of the database is outside the scope of this post.


Scaling our new MongoDB environment

Now it has been a few months since you deployed the original 3 MongoDB instances and you need a couple more instances for your application. Rather than creating a new deployment, you can easily scale StatefulSets in a similar manner as Kubernetes ReplicaSets.

If you want 5 MongoDB Nodes instead of 3, just run the scale command:

# kubectl scale --replicas=5 statefulset mongo


This will deploy two additional nodes, and provision the storage along with them and add them into the existing mongo replica set.

Last, include the two new nodes (mongo-3.mongo & mongo-4.mongo) in your connection string URI and you are good to go.

Using Snapshots in our MongoDB environment

The development team has decided they need to test some upgrades to an application using a valid dataset from one of the MongoDB instances. Rather than give them access to production data, we can make a new Storage Class using the HPE 3PAR Volume Plug-in dynamic provisioner that will take a snapshot of the production MongoDB nodes.

The dev team needs a copy of mongo-2 instance and its corresponding volume.

In order to take a snapshot, get the name of the mongo-2 persistent volume:

# oc get pvc
NAME                               STATUS    VOLUME                                                   CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS        AGE
mongo-persistent-storage-mongo-2   Bound     sc-mongo-bee869cb-76a7-11e9-b787-0050569bb07c            50Gi       RWO            sc-mongo            1d


Now that we have the persistent volume name, we can create a new Storage Class to create the Snapshot

# vi sc-mongo-2-snap.yml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sc-mongo-2-snap
   virtualCopyOf: "sc-mongo-bee869cb-76a7-11e9-b787-0050569bb07c”


Next, import the Storage Class into Kubernetes/OpenShift.

# oc create –f sc-mongo-2.snap.yml


To use the snapshot, simply create a new Statefulset spec, similar to the original deployment above, change the Storage Class to the new snapshot Storage Class sc-mongo-2-snap. Set the number of replicas (nodes) needed for the dev teams testing. Finally, import the StatefulSet into Kubernetes/OpenShift. After a couple minutes, you should see the new nodes created, using a snapshot of the mongo-2 persistent volume. The dev team will now be able to use them for their application testing.


Now that we have had all of this fun, we need to clean-up our environment from time to time so it doesn’t start to look like our teenage kid’s bedroom. In order to clean up the deployed resources, we will need to delete the StatefulSet, the Headless Service, and the provisioned volumes.

To delete the StatefulSet and corresponding pods:

# oc delete statefulset mongo

To delete the Service:

# oc delete svc mongo

To delete the Volumes:

# oc delete pvc -l role=mongo



Congratulations you have deployed several MongoDB database instances and demonstrated how you can use the HPE 3PAR Volume Plug-in for Docker to provision persistent volumes using HPE 3PAR storage for your containerized application workloads within your business.

Stay tuned as we continue to release blogs on various topics and workloads using the HPE 3Par Volume Plugin for Docker. Also if there are topics that you don’t see but would like us to cover don’t hesitate to reach out to me.



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About the Author


Everything about Containers and Persistent Storage using HPE 3PAR/Primera in Docker, Kubernetes, Red Hat, as well as Storage Automation