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Capitalizing on the sustainable benefits of the IoT: New technical paper from HPE and GlobeScan

Could the Internet of Things (IoT) hold the key to solving the world’s most pressing social and environmental challenges? Do IoT learnings from business apply to community issues? Can IoT technology scale quickly and responsibly enough to advance critical solutions, such as those needed to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals?

These are the types of questions we explored in our recent HPE Living Progress Exchange (LPX). Since 2014, we’ve been bringing together a diverse group of business and sustainability thought leaders, both online at local forums, to discuss tough issues, share best practices, and drive a bias toward action.

At the Verge 2016 conference in Santa Clara, Calif., we hosted our first simultaneous online and local LPX. The combined forum tackled the same challenging question: How do we capitalize on the sustainable benefits of the oT?

Moderated by GlobeScan, the LPX forum included a group of thought leaders from across the private sector—including technology, automotive, industrial, and more—as well as consultants and representatives from the public sector. The diverse perspectives promoted a robust dialogue, and netted some interesting ideas and obstacles. Insights from the LPX are captured in a new technical paper from HPE and GlobeScan.

Check it out and tell us what you think in the comments below.


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Applying the innovation engine of HPE to sustainably meet the technology demands of the future. Follow us: @HPE_LivingProg