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Re: HPE Codewars, India is back and it is virtual

HPE CodeWars, is synonymous with enthusing budding coders across all regions where Hewlett Packard Enterprise has established its presence in. The program was started with the intent to evangelize coding with High School Students. This is an annual program which is spread across countries which include USA, Spain and Taiwan apart from India. Since the event started 22 years ago, it has evolved into a phenomenon that students across the world look forward to. This is aligned with HPEโ€™s commitment of technology being an enabler and force for good.



Past events have been limited to Bengaluru region and only for 11th and 12th Standard Students. This yearโ€™s event will be a virtual event, allowing us to extend participation from schools across the whole of India and open this up to students from 9th through to 12th Standard. All that is required is for the student to have access to a personal computer with internet connection.

The HPE India event will be hosted in partnership with the leading K-12 coding platform Codingal. The Codingal platform ensures a preconfigured programming environment for students. Over 3,000 students from schools across India are expected to participate in this years event.


Registration for the event is free and as part of this, students will be provided with instructions on how to prepare for the competition and an online space to practice. Students can practice solving up to 30 coding problems. This will help prepare and show students how virtual competitions and problem-solving works. It will also give them an idea of what type of problem statements they can expect in the main competition.

In addition, a question bank from previous events has also been made available. Students can access this at: CodeWars: Past Events


The competition takes place over 3 hours on Saturday, 10th April, 2021 from: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm IST. It will involve solving 25 coding problems using any of the programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript. It will start with simple problems with difficulty level increasing for later problems and each problem statement will share a point value. Values increase as problems get more difficult.  There will be a real-time leaderboard to show students with the highest points, with the Top 70 being rewarded.

At the end of the Competition the Top 3 positions on the Leaderboard will get to run their program on the Spaceborne 2 (SBC2) computer. HPEโ€™s supercomputer SBC2 is part of a global experiment conducted by HPE to run a high performance commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) computer system in space, which has never been done before. These winning students will get to run an experiment of their choice on SBC2 and get back results. Students can now use International Space Station (ISS) as their Research Lab.

Donโ€™t miss out on this once in lifetime opportunity. To know more about past experiments run on ISS you can refer to: Student Experiments Onboard the ISS Since November 2000

The Top 5 positions on the Leaderboard also get 1-on-1 facetime with HPE Senior Technologists, where they can ask any questions around career guidance and technology landscape.

There are other exciting prizes worth 2 Lakh INR to be won for the first 70 Leaderboard ranks:

1st prize = 40000 INR

2nd prize = 30000 INR

3rd prize = 20000 INR

4th to 10th places get prizes worth 5000 INR

11th to 20th places get prizes worth 3000 INR

21st to 30th places get prizes worth 2000 INR

31st to 40th places get prizes worth 1000 INR

41st to 70th places get prizes worth 500 INR each


We are really excited and looking forward to active participation from students across India. It will be an experience to cherish.

For more information on the event check:  


Mandar ChitaleMandar ChitaleAuthored by Mandar Chitale
Mandar has two decades of experience in the IT industry. He is currently India R&D Operations Lead. He also leads some of India wide programs which include HPE CodeWars 2021 India Edition. 



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Editor-in-chief for the HPE Advancing Life & Work blog.

Punit Chandra D

I feel we must not miss out this opportunity 
and since it is for our good ill try my best to let all know about this