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HPE again among the TOP 2 companies in Germany’s Women Career Index

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It’s with great pleasure and a big portion of pride to inform you that HPE has again been awarded as one of the top 2 companies in Germany’s Women Career Index (FKI) for the 7th consecutive year! We received the award from Dr. Franziska Giffey, Germany’s Federal Minister of Family Affairs, on Friday 6th March 2020 - just in time to honor International Women’s Day.

With 90 points out of 100, we came out 2nd – just one point away from the 1st rank and 7 points above the average of the TOP 25. I’m especially proud that we further increased our results for the category “Frame Conditions” to a sensational 99 points out of 100! All the more because this category covers the essential for a truly sustainable change: culture, commitment, and communication. 

“HPE is a role model for many companies in Germany because of its great culture and its tenacity to relentlessly advance women's careers. What impresses me most is that although leading the index for many years HPE raises the bar every year by new innovative approaches”, said Barbara Lutz, founder of the Women Career Index (FKI).

An example is our new Work that Fits Your Life Program which, among others, grants 26 weeks of paid parental leave for HPE’s mothers and fathers worldwide. Another example is our Female Sponsorship Program which offers alliances with powerful men and women to accelerate the advancement of women into leadership positions. The program addresses the “broken rung” which according to a recent LeanIn study is the biggest obstacle to women‘s progress: “It occurs at one of the very first steps on the corporate ladder—the initial promotion to management.” Our program makes sure that women with the ability and aspiration for a leadership career are consequently promoted by opening doors, increasing their visibility and breaking down potential structural and mental barriers. 

Since the inception of Germany’s Women Career Index (FKI) in 2012, we decided to be indexed annually. For us, the index is both stimulus and recognition. It helps us to make fact-based decisions and reveals where we stand compared to the competition.  

For more information on the Women Career Index and the winning companies please refer to

#fki, #IWD2020, #EachforEqual, #WeareHPE

About the Author


Employer brand and digital media evangelist. Proactively searching for new trends and best in class practices to find, converse, share, engage and refer potential candidates and bring the best Talent for the company.