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HPE Tech Talk Podcast - CEO Antonio Neri Shares HPE’s Vision, Edge-to-Cloud future, Ep. 20

In this special episode, hear HPE CEO Antonio Neri’s June 22, 2021, keynote address from HPE Discover, where he shares his vision for the decade ahead and unveils several industry-changing cloud solutions. GM’s CEO Mary Barra and FIS’s Chief Data Officer Bob Letgers join Antonio to explore the unprecedented tech innovation happening across automotive, finance, healthcare and much more.

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Robert Christiansen:

Welcome to HPE Tech Talk. I'm your host, Robert Christiansen. I have a really unique episode today, and I know you're going to like it. I don't have any guests here with me. Instead, we're going to bring to you HPE CEO and president, Antonio Neri. As he reflects on HPE's vision, he unveiled new innovation and shares how HPE is creating a more inclusive and digitally connected world. What you'll hear is a recording of his keynote remarks from the virtual stage of HPE Discover, which is happening right now, June 22nd through the 24th. If you've been to an HPE Discover, you know it's a special event and this year is no exception. HPE Discover comes to you in 11 languages with hundreds of experts engaging around the world. Tune in or catch up on what you missed by visiting I know you'll find Antonio's perspective as inspiring and insightful as I do. Let me know what you think by leaving us a review. And now here's Antonio.

Antonio Neri:

Welcome to HPE Discover 2021, where the future is edge-to-cloud. Although I wish we were all together in person, I'm excited about the opportunity to speak with hundreds of thousands of you around the world today, virtually. Over the next 24 hours, we will stream Discover globally, translating content into 11 different languages with hundreds of HPE experts available to speak with you anytime. I am honored you have chosen to invest time with HPE today, and I assure you, we will earn every minute. Over the past year, the world has faced incredibly turbulent times. We were confronted with a catastrophic health crisis. We endured significant business disruption and uncertainty. We witnessed unthinkable acts of violence and hatred and worked together to address mounting social issues. Now, there is a ray of hope with vaccines that could introduce a sense of normal to our lives. As a society, we have been tested and we have made progress, but there is a lot more work to be done.

Collectively, we are beginning to shift our attention away from the immediate demands brought by COVID-19 pandemic. And instead, we are looking more holistically toward building a more digitally, enabled inclusive world. At this pivotal moment, our purpose to advance the way people live and work has never been more important. We have a mandate to imagine new digital transformation strategies that support ESG goals, leading to better business outcomes and societal impact. We will never waiver our commitment as a force for good, and a strategic partner for our customers undergoing digital transformation journeys around the world. In this keynote, you're going to hear me focus on what I call the Age of Insight and how it is driving a new wave of data-driven business transformation. I've asked Mary Barra, chair of the board and CEO of General Motors to join me to share her insights as she continues to reimagine the future of her iconic company.

Second, with the rise of data that is all around us, I will show how edge-to-cloud architectures help your organizations with speed and agility to your most critical data-driven workloads and workflows. I’ll introduce you to new game-changing cloud services with our industry-leading HPE GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform, the cloud that comes to you. Together, these innovations will serve as a catalyst to help you transform your business, optimize your applications and extract insight from your data. So, let's get started. Last year I said we are entering the Age of Insight driven by the next wave of digital transformation and powered by the, massive amount of data we connect, collect, and analyze. Most of it created and acted upon at the edge. Data is the new currency that powers the digital economy. Data is now our most valuable asset, and I predict that data will one day show up as an asset in your balance sheet.

However, it is no longer about simply capturing data, it is about how fast we can extract value from it. Future belongs to the fast and those who can act on their data the fastest will win. For the past 50 years, everyone focused on the 3Vs, volume, variety and velocity of data. We were awash in data, but the data was lacking insight. It could even be said that many organizations were data rich, but insight poor. The focus in the Age of Insight is the 4th “V”: value. In the Age of Insight, data is acted upon close to the moment of creation to drive action and understanding. As we level the playing field, more people have the opportunity to dream, invent and participate in the data-driven digital economy. More voices mean more equitable innovation. And this is all possible now because in the last 10 years, we have seen a profound change in the amount of data we can collect and analyze, as well as a change in the economics of technology.

For example, when the first human genome was mapped as a part of the human genome project in the 2000s, it took over $2 billion and 15 years to map just one person. Today, the cost to map the genome is less than $1,000, opening a path for affordable, equitable access globally. That means doctors are not starting from abstract knowledge of genomic medicine and trying to work out how it applies to you. They're starting from your genome. Just think how powerful that will be when we can combine genomic data with clinical data, with data about drug interactions, with contextual data from smart devices. We will be able to see patterns in our data we could not see before. This will drive a revolution in medicine and it is not far away. These are all the types of business outcomes we at HPE are helping you realize. Collecting and connecting all your data and applying machine learning and AI to your datasets at the enterprise scale, to turn visions into reality across every industry.

Hewlett Packard Labs is working with Carnegie Clean Energy to use AI to harness the power of the ocean waves for renewable energy production. With learning, a technique pioneered by HPE, we are creating new opportunities for data science collaboration. Working with DZNE, the German Center for Alzheimer's Research and other neurological diseases, researchers can learn from each other without sharing confidential information. Only algorithms and parameters are shared. In fact, all study data stays onsite. Together with NASA and the International Space Station National Lab, we launched the most powerful computer to ever travel in space. Spaceborne Computer-2 collects and processes images of the earth and polar ice caps to uncover patterns and track climate impact. Think about what these insights will mean, not just for your business, but your industry over time. Take connected cars as an example. The potential value is not only in the unique experience connected cars provide, but also in cost and revenue benefits to the entire ecosystems for mobility companies, suppliers, dealers, insurers, fleets, and tech companies who participate in this data marketplace.

McKinsey recently stated that the monetization of connected car data could deliver up to $400 billion in annual incremental value across the mobility ecosystem in 2030. And a kind of company transforming itself in engineering for a better future is General Motors, America's largest automaker. As part of their vision for an all-electric future, they are committed to deliver 30 new global electric vehicles by 2025. This transformation will be one of the most consequential reinventions in corporate America. Leading this charge is GM chair of the board and CEO, Mary Barra. Mary started at GM when she was 18 years old.

She now leads over 150,000 employees worldwide, and views the future of GM, not as a car manufacturer, but as a technology company. She's focused on harnessing the power of the data to improve the customer experience, and strengthening GM's business while also leading the transformation of personal mobility through advanced technologies like connectivity, electrification, and autonomous driving. GM is also a customer of ours to power the core infrastructure. I had the chance to sit down with Mary to discuss GM's transformation, and I want to share some of what we discussed.

Mary, GM is one of the greatest, most iconic brands in the automotive industry. Tell us about the transformational journey you're on.

Mary Barra:

Well, when you think about the auto industry, with the transformation that's occurring when you think about an autonomous vehicle, you know, that we can move without drivers, electrification, emissions free, relieving congestions with the different technologies that we have, and then connectivity. Everything that you can do in the car, it's really a software platform. We're so excited and GM is, in many cases, a leader or among the leaders in all of these key areas that the industry is transforming. We're focused on the customer and making sure that we provide solutions, so everyone can truly be a part of this transformation.

Antonio Neri:

It's kind of interesting to say now as a software company that delivers a whole new different experience. And to me, that's a kind of fascinating to see what comes next. But, you know, the past year has clearly had an emotional long-lasting toll on many of us personally, but also forced business to accelerate their digital transformation. Every company, including both of ours, went through accelerated change. What were those changes that GM had to think about and then how that was a celebrating your strategy?

Mary Barra:

Well, I think a foundation of General Motors transformation is our GM team members. I really feel at GM, we have the best team on the field and they're committed to creating this world with zero crashes, zero emissions and zero congestion. And, we've been working on our culture to make sure that we provide an inclusive culture, one where everyone feels that they belong. Everyone can speak up, everyone can do their best work, which really will allow to excel. We also have been shifting skill sets as a natural transition in our company to those with more of a software background to really enable what's happening with the vehicle. Yes, it's hardware, but it is software, and there's so much opportunity from a software perspective to really delight and surprise the customer. But at the core of our journey is the team members at General Motors.

Antonio Neri:

You know, what is interesting to me is that, both of us came up through our companies, right? I believe you started in the manufacturer line. I personally started in the call center. I'm interested (laughs) in how you think that may have changed your perspective in leading GM, because obviously, when we grew up within the company, you have a unique perspective. But what are your thoughts around that?

Mary Barra:

I agree with you. I really feel privileged to lead the General Motors team with the history. And I'm actually second generation. My father was a dye maker at General Motors for 39 years. And there's something so exciting about this industry—really understanding, you know, how, how vehicles come together in our assembly plants, and what it takes to put a safe and high-quality vehicle on the road is, is where I spent most of my time in my career, and then had the opportunity to work in some of the corporate functions, communications-

... you mentioned HR. And all of those experiences have really, I think, prepared me for this position. And the wonderful thing is I know people everywhere. And so being able to reach out and have a network and they know me. So, I often get emails, or calls, or texts from our employees saying they reached out to me because we worked together, whether it was five months ago, five years ago or 15 years ago. That kind of closeness and that they know I care, and they know, just like they're committed to the company, I'm committed to the company, and I'm committed to achieving our vision, I think it's something special. So, again, I feel humbled and privileged to have this role, and I'm very proud of the fact that I've been here for now 40 years because I started as a college student. Went to General Motors Institute now Kettering, but have had the opportunity to work in so many areas and work with so many great people.

Antonio Neri:

In many ways, Mary, I think what we all will take with us is the relationship with people, and how we enable them to do the best possible job and also achieve their own dream from the career perspective. But following on that, you are a passionate leader, obviously, and one who has served in many roles and has been even quoted saying, "Whatever you do, do it with passion and energy." What advice you give to those who are watching on how to take action on that approach?

Mary Barra:

It starts with working hard. My mother always taught us, you work before you play. If you work hard, you can distinguish yourself. So, I always say, there's no substitute for hard work. There's no shortcut. And we talk at General Motors about owning your job, do every job you have like you're going to do it for the rest of your life, because then you own it. You're not renting. You're not just passing through, you're investing in it. You're looking at, ‘how do I make it better?’ ‘How do I use technology or build networks across the company so I can do this, this role that I have today as best possible?’ And I, I usually tell people, you get noticed when you're doing your best work in your role. And then it’s also find what you love to do, because if you love what you do, you're going to be stronger and I think have better results because that's where your passion is.

Antonio Neri:

You know, you touched a lot of things in that answer, but maybe the last question for you is, how you see the future of transportation? When you think about five, 10 years out, where do you think that will go and how will it look?

Mary Barra:

I definitely see transportation being safer, either with technologies like Super Cruise or other crash avoidance systems or all the way to Cruise, where you don't have a human driver, and research today shows that about 90% of fatalities in the United States alone are due to driver error. When you think about autonomous vehicles, they follow the laws, they don't drive impaired. That's leading to a safer world for how we move from point A to point B. I think when we look at how it's propelled, being zero emissions is going to be very important. People getting that excitement of driving electric vehicles and for us to be able to offer them across all different segments and price points.

What I think people are just beginning to understand is the connectivity in a vehicle and what that's going to do to make your life better, make your journey better, and really help you manage your life as we're also busy. And all of that, and the technology will apply with different communities, will allow us to, I think, make a huge reduction in congestion. Because what does everyone need in this busy world we live in today? More time. That's how I see the future advancing on all fronts to just solve some of the issues that we have today and take moving from point A to point B to the next level.

Antonio Neri:

Well, thanks, Mary. I think the opportunities are enormous, whether it's to improve infrastructure or to improve transportation. You know, obviously, there is an electrification, there is connectivity and all these experiences, but I think, in the end it's all about providing safety and transportation in ways we haven't imagined before. And I want to thank you for taking the time to, for joining the conference today, for sharing your passion for what you do, and for leading one of the most iconic companies in America and for driving a transformation with courage but doing it with diversity and inclusion in mind. So, thank you for your time today, much appreciated. And I hope to see you soon.

Mary Barra:

Well, thanks for the opportunity to participate with HPE Discover. I love to tell GM story and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Antonio Neri:

Thank you, Mary, for the great discussion about your transformation at GM leadership and culture. It is clear the future is edge-to-cloud, not only in transportation, but across every industry. The opportunities to unlock value and insights from our data are tremendous if we can overcome the very real challenges that lie ahead. The past decade was all about the cloud-first mandate. Looking ahead, the next decade will be focused on using data everywhere across your distributed enterprise, a cloud-everywhere mandate. You tell us you want a simple and automated experience, so you can focus on your data, workloads and outcomes. You also should not be penalized for moving your data, it should be a seamless experience. Our goal is to create environments for you where data can thrive across its life cycle, from collection through secure connectivity, into insights and value. Let me show you what I mean. [VIDEO BEGINS TO PLAY]

Pre-recorded video:

Greetings from the edge, where insight meets opportunity. Where grocery stores have psychic powers and senses can connect in a heartbeat, allowing doctors to keep pace with patients. Because saving time is just as important as shaving time. A place that isn't really some place, but every place. So, it's simultaneously innovating at the tip of an iceberg, reinventing on the floor of the stock market and making decisions wherever your data lives. A place where people, devices and things connect, and where that data creates insights and those insights create opportunities. Well, to fully realize them, you need HPE's edge-to-cloud platform. A secure platform that isn't just built for today, but is helping build your business for tomorrow. So, while the rest of the world is moving as fast as possible, you're able to transform as fast as impossible. My friends, this is much more than the center of innovation. This is the edge of it. Join us. [VIDEO ENDS]

Antonio Neri:

Building the next generation of edge-to-cloud architectures is a strategic imperative for every enterprise. In the next decade, edge-to-cloud architectures will not only enable flexible, open private clouds, but also secure private data spaces. The balance concerns of sovereignty and privacy with the need to share, collaborate and innovate. A great example of this in action is Fidelity National Information Services, otherwise known around the world as FIS. FIS is a Fortune 500 financial services and product company with more than 55,000 employees. It is the largest processing and payment company in the world, facilitating the movement of roughly $9 trillion through the processing of approximately 75 billion transactions around the globe. FIS is also known for being a trailblazer in the FinTech space. So, how does FIS help it's client turn data into actionable insights? Early today, I had the opportunity to speak with chief data officer at FIS, Bob Legters, to help us answer that question.

Hello, Bob, thank you for joining me and agreeing to share insights around this data-driven world we live in. We are seeing more and more chief data officers in companies as a strategic business role. How do you see managing data as an asset and the overall data transformation?

Bob Legters:

Well, thanks Antonio. I'm really honored to join you and all your customers all over the world and talk about what I think is the most important aspect of business for the next few years at least. You mentioned that the increase in chief data roles is really a recognition that at the executive level, companies are realizing that their number one asset save their customers is their data. And that investment in data is really critical for business success to be flexible, to respond to the market and get things done. So, we're seeing a lot of activity around the value of data, the use of data, and really how to make that data work more for the business, both internally and for the customers that businesses serve.

Antonio Neri:

You know, it has been almost a year since you launched Ethos, a suite of products FIS provides based on a data ecosystem, which also gives your clients a unified view of data across their entire enterprise. Perhaps you can explain what your clients' original challenge was and how ethos addressed those challenges.

Bob Legters:

You know, the last year was definitely an adventure year to launch a new data ecosystem, or as we had started before that. And really our clients were faced with the number one challenge as we've seen time and time again is getting access to and refining data in a way that's usable and consumable. And so that hasn't changed much through the pandemic. In fact, all that's happened is the demand for more real-time access has grown. So, the need to understand data faster and be able to respond quicker is really, really what our clients need, right? Get me the data in a way that I can use it, and let me respond to it and act what I know what to do in my industry. So, a lot of our focus is really on making sure that can happen.

Antonio Neri:

The theme of HPE Discover is that the future is edge-to-cloud. We see the future as completely data driven. Can you share how FIS operates in this model today?

Bob Legters:

I sure can. And actually, I share your dedication to the future being completely data-driven. I think what's happening is we're realizing that no matter what your infrastructure is, the need to move to that edge-to-cloud environment is growing. And so access to your data no matter where it lies, the ability to bring it together and refine it, and then use that data in everyday transactions to make it available to your frontline staff members that are serving your consumers is a big demand. So our strategy is to fuel that, not to resist it, and make sure that no matter where a client is on their transformation, that we're helping them get access to that data and use it in everyday transactions.

Antonio Neri:

You know, Bob, last year obviously was a difficult year. 2020 was a year of tremendous change. What long-term impact do you see it's having on how the financial institution do business and most important how FIS is adapting?

Bob Legters:

Well, you know, the thing about change is that it always accelerates our path to the future. And what we knew, what we needed to do with data was something that just, the demand just came explosively through what happened with the pandemic. One thing we know about consumers is, every pattern change, absolutely every trend, every analysis, every one of the patterns they did in their personal lives changed. And how those go back into what we'll call the new norm or how they transition into what the future holds is going to be something we're going to have to monitor in real time.

And so, our goal is to make sure that again, you create that kind of real-time access and use of data so that you can adjust as the market adjust. Certainly there's no going back, there's only going forward. And one of the biggest trends of course, is the explosion of digital, and online and e-commerce transactions. And so being there for the customer, even when they're standing at the counter, they're making an e-commerce transaction now, when they're working with their bank, it's more e-commerce than it was before. So, we've focused a lot of attention on making sure that data is transferable through those digital channels.

Antonio Neri:

Now you are enabling all of that through your platform called Ethos. And without giving away too much, can you give us a little bit of an inside peek into the future plans of your platform?

Bob Legters:

When we set out to design Ethos, what we wanted to do is leverage the investment of the entire market, right? So, strategic partners like HPE really help us accelerate the Ethos plan, because we knew that there's no way we're going to out-invest the cumulative markets investment in data. Hundreds of billions of dollars going into refining data, data insights, data storage, data management. And so our strategy in the beginning was, let's make sure we can get the clients access to the data that we serve them with. And the key focus there is on security and compliance, right?

We deal with a lot of financial data; we absolutely want the customers to be comfortable that we're protecting that data. And then you go and start expanding that to, okay, now let's take the rest of the data, the other data that the customers have that they'd like to have us support for them and partner with other markets and firms, and really bring that ecosystem together. So, in the end, the strategy was, ‘let's get it together and give them access and they'll start building products, services, and modules that they can use no matter they are in their data journey.’

Antonio Neri::

Obviously, you're creating a platform that accelerates that data insight into outcomes. And, obviously, you have to select partners to work with. Maybe the question for you is, why you chose HPE and why you're working with us and most important, how we're helping you deliver against this vision that you have?

Bob Legters

Oh, that's a great question and actually probably one of the easiest ones to answer. You know, HPE has tremendous scale and capability, and certainly we have a number of our larger clients are our joint customers of ours. And so really partnering together to get to that end state of easy access and easy integration of data for use in any number of business needs, both back office and in the digital space, and really servicing the customers face-to-face. So, there's a number of places where HPE and FIS are coming together to either create joint products, partner in the products that we do have to make things easier for our joint customers. We're really just innovating the market and I think that's where it's the most fun, right? When you can get together and say, let's solve a problem that seems unsolvable, and two companies like FIS and HPE can do that.

Antonio Neri:

Well, I appreciate you being with us today, Bob. I appreciate you pushing us to innovate faster. And as you said in your last response there, the ability to co-innovate is something that we value as a company, it's part of our culture, our engineering DNA. But in this context of what we see the enterprise or the future being edge centric, cloud enabled, and data driven, FIS has a great example on how we move forward, introduce a new world and create this edge-to-cloud kind of architecture that customers need and focus on that data. Again, thank you, Bob, for sharing your insights on the data-driven world we live in and I hope to see you soon.

Bob Legters

You will. Thank you, Antonio. Have a good day.

Antonio Neri:

Thank you. As you can see, edge-to-cloud architectures are essential to accelerate your enterprise digital transformation and deliver business outcomes from your data. That is why we have built the HPE GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform. It is how we deliver cloud services and agile cloud experiences everywhere. Many customers I speak with think agility is only possible within a public cloud. You have another choice without having to make complex trade-offs. Most of you tell me one of your top priorities is to build your next-generation data analytic platforms and modernize data centric applications. But most of you don't want to move all your data to be locked in a public cloud. Today, our HPE GreenLake cloud platform is growing at an outstanding rate, 41% in Q2 with more than 1,200 customers already on the platform. It is now available to over 900 partners and is integrated into the top five global distributor online marketplaces.

We launched new cloud services to deploy with our co-location partners, CyrusOne and Equinix. Our HPE GreenLake cloud platform is as ubiquitous as any public cloud, and our customers simply love the HPE GreenLake experience. Across it all, the HPE GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform unifies your entire hybrid experience, providing one-click access to a growing number of hybrid cloud services. We are focused on giving you a better experience for your most mission-critical data and workloads. But today, I am pleased to share we are expanding our suite of HPE GreenLake cloud services to address the growing needs of the enterprise market. To accelerate the build-out of 5G networks, we are introducing 5G core systems through HPE GreenLake, a cloud-native open and secure system to achieve web-scale speed, flexibility, and resilience. With this offering, 5G core can be deployed, tested and commissioned in less than an hour compared to weeks today. In healthcare, workloads demand the utmost security and compliance to improve the patient experience.

Today, we are introducing solutions for electronic medical records through HPE GreenLake for Epic and Cerner applications. This new cloud service brings validated configurations, management services and cloud experience for flexibility and optimize for quality delivery. The last but not least, securing your enterprise has never been more critical. Today, we are introducing Splunk Cloud services with HPE GreenLake enabled by HPE Ezmeral Software at massive scale. We give you the ability to collect, analyze, and act on the data generated by your technology infrastructure, secure systems and business applications to keep you more secure and compliant. In addition to addressing the needs of specific workloads, we are laser focused on delivering a consistent modern cloud native experience for your infrastructure needs. Last month, we expanded our HP GreenLake cloud platform with new data services. We also introduced a new cloud native infrastructure, HPE Alletra, all part of transforming our storage division into a cloud native software defined data services business.

And today we are adding Compute to our HPE GreenLake cloud platform to simplify provisioning and management of your compute infrastructure wherever it resides. Starting with select customer engagements today and more broadly available by the end of the year, our HP GreenLake cloud platform makes provisioning and consumer infrastructure so simple and effortless across your entire fleet. It becomes invisible to you in a truly scalable and elastic way. From workloads and services to cloud native infrastructure, we are building the best hybrid cloud experience in the industry, and we are not stopping there. Today, I am pleased to announce a huge leap forward in the HPE GreenLake experience. Introducing HPE GreenLake Lighthouse, a series of workload optimized solutions powered by HPE Ezmeral Software. With the HPE GreenLake Lighthouse, you can run a variety of cloud services in your choice of provider, your own data center or at the edge.

Designed from the ground up to be cloud native and intelligent enough to optimize itself to different cloud services and workloads, it composes resources to deliver the best performance, lowest cost or a balance of both. With HPE GreenLake Lighthouse, you can add new services and run multiple cloud services simultaneously, up and running in a few minutes, in an autonomous way. Multiple HPE GreenLake Lighthouses can be deployed in different locations and federated to provide disaster recovery capabilities, and create private data spaces for your team to share, collaborate and innovate. The first HPE GreenLake Lighthouse designed for mainstream workloads running on VMs and containers will ship this summer. Other optimized versions for the edge and specialized workloads will be available later this year. Innovation at the infrastructure level is something you expect from HPE, but what about at the silicon layer? To ensure you are future ready by the end of the year, HPE will offer even more flexible cloud capabilities, which we refer to as Silicon on Demand.

This first of its kind feature developing partnership with Intel, gives you the ability to activate and pay with a click to add new capacity at the processor core and persistent memory level. Nothing to order and install, just turn it on. The ability to optimize at the silicon level is simply game-changing. Instant-on experiences are yet another way we continue to innovate and bring more flexibility to you. Workloads and cloud services vastly improved operational experiences, more intelligent and autonomous infrastructure all the way to the silicon level. It's very impressive, but none of this matters if it is not secure.

In an edge-to-cloud world, your risks increase exponentially. And today I'm excited to preview for you Project Aurora, a new way of thinking about security edge-to-cloud. The last essential ingredient in a hybrid model is intrinsic security built in at every level. In the cloud-native world, identity base, zero trust security is the gold standard. For those who are not familiar with the term, zero trust implies that nothing is trusted ever. Every entity on an enterprise network, whether it's a person, software run time like a container or VM, or systems like server, storage arrays and networking switches, most have a provable or a testable identity that is continuously verified before the entity can transact on the network.

Project Aurora brings zero trust to our edge-to-cloud architecture. It will deliver, through cloud natives, zero trust security that can be deployed anywhere. On an average, it takes 28 days for an enterprise security team to identify a breach. With Project Aurora, we will reduce that to seconds. We are building this technology to identify zero day attacks and advanced persistent threats, and avoid data loss, malicious encryption, or corruption of your valuable data and intellectual property. Project Aurora creates a chain of trust builder on HPE Integrated Lights-Out or iLO. This is HPE's silicon root of trust. When combined with open source technologies like SPIFFE and SPIRE, Project Aurora can continuously attest the operating system, run time software platform and workloads all without signatures, performance trade-offs or lock in. Project Aurora does not replace your security investments. It fortifies them, built on cloud native security principles to make everything more secure.

By the end of this year, Project Aurora will expand to HPE GreenLake Lighthouse, GreenLake cloud services, and HPE Ezmeral Software to provide a platform-agnostic way to define and enforce zero trust security policies from edge-to-cloud. I will encourage you to engage with our experts to learn more. With our HP GreenLake edge-to-cloud platform, we can build your future data-driven enterprise today. You can choose to move to as a service at your own pace. HPE financial services enable you to compare some or all of your current IT estate to HPE GreenLake with ease. And if you are not sure where the best fit is, HPE Pointnext technology services can advise you on the placement of your data workloads to get the right mix across your enterprise from edge-to-cloud.

I believe every business is a technology company. It is a requirement to participate in a turbocharged digital economy, and the pace of change we see in the market today is truly remarkable. The future never stops. Through the application of technology, the next decade holds promises unlike any other. Securing your enterprise, automating all your operations using AI machine learning, generating real time insights from all your data, wherever it lives. But this must also be the decade of shared success. Our purpose to advance the way people live and work is my north star. It is our mandate to ensure that digital transformation not only improve businesses, but that improve society as a whole to drive a more inclusive and sustainable world. But it takes all of us working together.

I will leave you with this, make an impact on what you can control. Commit to being a force for good, regardless of your role, your title, and whether you are being measured on it. And most importantly, stand up for what is right. Everyone leaves a legacy, and together we can make our world more equitable and sustainable for the next generation. Thank you for your time. I look forward to speaking with you again soon. Please stay well and safe. Thank you.


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Editor-in-chief for the HPE Advancing Life & Work blog.