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HPE Tech Talk Podcast - What you should know about Exascale, Supercomputing and HPC (6 part series)

Join us in this six part series, produced together with Intel, where we explore the world of High Performance Compute with guest hosts Addison Snell from Intersect 360, Dan Olds from RadioFree HPC and Shahin Khan from OrionX.

Part 1: An Intro to Exascale, Supercomputing & HPC
High Performance Compute is everywhere today. From the weather forecast we check when we get up to the movie we wind down to at the end of the day, HPC touches many aspects of our daily lives—and the use cases keep growing. In this episode, industry experts from HPE, Pankaj Goyal and Tom Tyler, and technical computing leader from Intel, Bob Bourroghs, discuss why and how HPC and supercomputing have become essential to commercial enterprise. Confused about the difference between HPC and supercomputing and if you’re using the term “cluster” correctly? They’ll answer that, too, and more.  

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Part 2: Markets, industries & innovation driven by High Performance Compute
If you assumed high performance computing was the exclusive domain of large academic or government research installations, you’re forgiven. It’s a common assumption. The reality is that over half the industry spending today comes from commercial markets. In this episode, HPC and AI leaders from HPE, Bill Mannel  and Brandon Draeger, and HPC leader from Intel, Jeff Watters, explain why we’re seeing HPC and supercomputing techniques permeating every type of industry. They also place HPC in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic—it’s contribution to research efforts as well as the pandemic’s effect on the HPC market.  

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Part 3: The engine of AI is Supercomputing
Artificial intelligence use in the enterprise is surging. Why? In part, because it’s applicable across every part of a business. In this episode, AI leader from HPE, Sorin Cheran, and AI sales director from Intel, Monica Livingston, will take you inside the enterprise AI adoption process as they discuss the trends, challenges in moving from proof of concept to production, and where AI and HPC technologies do and don’t converge.   

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Part 4: How HPE & Cray Formed the Most Powerful HPC Partnership in the World 
The HPE and Cray business integration is complete, and the combined company boasts the broadest high-performance compute portfolio in the world. In the episode, HPE's John Dinning and Bill Mannel discuss the massive power of this partnership and the unique customer opportunities it makes possible. 

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Bonus Episode 5: Liquid Cooling Is the Hot Commodity in High Performance Computing
High performance computing is a hot topic… literally. As workloads become more demanding, power and cooling have emerged as central issues for data centers. In this episode, engineering leaders from HPE and Intel offer insight on what's next in cooling technology and data center system design.

Also available on:        Spotify   /   Apple Podcasts   /   Other podcast apps


Bonus Episode 6: Breaking Through the Blur of Compute Options

 Workloads associated with high performance computing are rapidly diversifying—leaving many decision makers wondering: What's the right solution for me? In this episode, experts from HPE and Intel discuss how to settle on a specialized or generalized solution to meet rapidly-changing business needs.  

Also available on:       Spotify   /   Apple Podcasts   /   Other podcast apps


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Editor-in-chief for the HPE Advancing Life & Work blog.