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Innovation is fueled by a diverse workforce

HPE leaders at the NACME Awards GalaHPE leaders at the NACME Awards Gala

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t into technology. By the age of 6, I had my first computer, learned Basic, C++ and .NET and developed my first programs. Technology allowed me to see the world.   If you travel the world like I do, you start to understand that the world is very diverse and that technology engineering solutions have to address the needs of a diverse world. I realized that there is no innovation without a diverse workforce.


Back in 2011, I started my collaboration with NACME as a board advisor to the NACME academies, and later joined the NACME board. As part of the board in addition to advising and influencing the organization direction, we bring the experience and the perspective of the industry into the educationa; system to help develop a diverse workforce of engineers and scientists. In addition, I learned that our most important task is to inspire: our role is to create career opportunities, and demand them when they are withheld.  When these opportunities come available,  students need to take them.  As professionals we play a key role in inspiring the next generation of engineers.


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NACME is about creating amazing opportunities for minority scholars in the field of STEM.  NACME has built a strong collaboration with industry leaders to support the mission and create opportunities for students by supporting their education, creating student communities, and amazing University engagement. HPE has supported NACME (National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering) for 40 years, and in fact both Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard were influencers in the creation of NACME. Many NACME scholars have joined HPE and contributed to our success over the years.

The company of the future needs a diverse workforce of engineers and scientists. Innovation is fundamental in every aspect of today’s business and social setting; innovation is fueled by new ideas, by challenging status quo, and redefining experiences. Only through a diverse workforce can an organization truly meet the needs of a diverse society, and create great innovative intellectual property.


I invite every business to build a diverse workforce, consider joining NACME to build the innovation that will guarantee to strive today and in the future competitive environment.

About the Author

Intelligent Edge, IoT, Edgeline Director at HPEIntelligent Edge, IoT, Edgeline Director at HPE

Tommaso Esmanech is the Director of the Intelligent Edge, Internet of Things (IoT) and Edgeline at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.  He is a business development professional dedicated to creating opportunities in high technology, focused on product and services, creation of go to market strategies, generation of sales leads, to negotiating and closing deals. Feel free to contact Tommaso via LinkedIn to discuss business growth, analyze new business opportunities and strategic-planning. 

Tommaso is an Executive Advisory Board Member of the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME).  He is based in based out of our Houston, TX office. 

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