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Looking for a tech conference to boost your career in 2018? Start here.

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As you set your 2018 career goals, don’t forget to invest in yourself. Attending a technology conference can speed up the process. Dive deeper into a new technology, learn hands-on techniques from subject-matter experts and find out what the pundits think are the key strategies this year.

Whatever your area of interest, there’s a conference waiting to give you technology insights and networking opportunities.

  • IoT -> 14 top IoT conferences to attend in 2018. Click here
  • Linux and Open Source -> 14 Linux and open source conferences worth attending in 2018. Click here
  • AI and machine learning -> The top 14 AI and machine learning conferences to attend in 2018. Click here
  • Data and analytics -> Top 14 data and analytics conferences to attend in 2018. Click here
  • CIOs -> Top conferences for CIOs in 2018. Click here


If you are interested on finding more insights and resources to help you take your career to the next level visit enterprise.nxt or simply explore HPE Careers.

About the author:

Judy Goldman, Social Media Manager at Enterprise.NXTJudy Goldman, Social Media Manager at Enterprise.NXT

Judy Goldman is the Social Media Manager for enterprise.nxt. Her work at HPE allows her to share her passion for emerging technology. Judy loves connecting people to innovation, and sharing stories that help others engage with and understand the world around them. She is a digital nomad, often found traveling with her gorgeous canine companion KC, a 10-pound mini Dachshund.

Stay connected with Judy via LinKedIn


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Employer brand and digital media evangelist. Proactively searching for new trends and best in class practices to find, converse, share, engage and refer potential candidates and bring the best Talent for the company.