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"The path I never thought I would follow" by Dalila Colin


In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, we met with Dalila Colin, Digital Registration Manager for Global Sales Operations. Here's her inspirational story: 

As a child of two teachers, I am passionate about learning and I have been involved in the educational field since I was a little girl. After University graduation, I worked for the Tecnológico de Monterrey in the Administrative and Academic section. I have been fortunate to be a professor and advisor to adolescents and adults, from high school students to corporate managers. I am a living example of the fact that I believe that people never finish learning. I never imagined being a part of a leading IT company like HPE. Joining HPE was taking a leap of faith into an unknown industry, which I do not regret. At first, I was nervous as I had many misconceptions about the IT industry. I believed that I would find myself in a very hostile and inflexible environment. While there have been challenges this industry has been a fulfilling path to go down full of learning experiences. 

A phrase I usually heard growing up in my family and that always captured my attention was: “My grandmother did not believe that it is possible to fulfill one's dreams. My mother dreamed it could be possible but she could not achieve it. I believe it is possible to achieve my dreams, and perhaps I will. I am sure that my daughter will definitely succeed in achieving her dreams.” I sympathize with this saying because I know that my grandmother did not have access to formal education and did not know how to read or write. My mother was able to pursue and achieve a career as a teacher but did not continue down that path as she became a stay-at-home mom. I saw the success of my grandmother and mother and took that to the next level. Proudly, I am the first woman in my family to earn a scholarship to one of Mexico's most prestigious universities, earn a master’s degree, and work abroad for an amazing company. I chose the path of waiting for children and marriage in order to push myself further in my career. I embrace the hope that little by little, more spaces are opening up for women in the world and we are progressing on the path to equity. 

The work being done at HPE is impressive and also transcendental, not only for its clients and the industry, but it has been a watershed in the lives of its collaborators, and without a doubt, some of the women who collaborate daily in this company.

I can safely say that in my 10 years of professional experience, HPE has been the best decision of my professional life. It is the best company I have worked for, as it is a safe environment and a hotbed that manages to allow talent to flourish. I wholeheartedly believe that there is no other company in the business that offers greater stability and growth. There are several initiatives with great value to guide women to empower themselves, trust their skills, and contribute their talent in a historically male-dominant industry. As a Latin woman, I believe that it is my responsibility to help future women in technology by continuing to exceed expectations at work and be a shining example of what women are capable of.

The world has changed and today, more than ever, companies must establish a culture in which employees feel committed and identify with its values. HPE gives me this by way of professional growth and an open space to be a better human. By joining ERGs such as the Women's Network, I have helped to make a positive impact on my community by serving as the Coordinator of the Tortuguero Camp last year and volunteering with organizations like the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara and animal rescues. In addition, I have had the honor of meeting a community of highly talented women who are concerned with creating positive changes for gender equality. I have also recently joined the Strategy and Values ​​Committee and I am excited to learn more about the company and feel more proud to be part of HPE.

I was recently asked, "what would your ideal job be like?" My response was simple. A job that allows me to positively impact people's lives, in which technology, innovation, and great social responsibility are related. Today, I can say that for 2 years I have been in the right place.

#WeareHPE #HPEWomenInTech

About the author: 

Dalila Colin, Sales Operations  at HPE, Jalisco MexicoDalila Colin, Sales Operations at HPE, Jalisco MexicoDalila Colin has been part of Global Operations- Sales Operations- LAC Deal Registration in the role of Deal Registration Manager- Focal Point for the Colombia Region since May 2018. She is part of Women´s Network Mexico as part of the Networking and Content team. He is also a member of the Strategy and Values Committee and of the Super Users- Brown Bag Program.

Stay connected to Dalila via LinkedIn and to explore career opportunities at HPE visit HPE Careers and join our team today! 





Becca Dugan
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

About the Author


Recruitment Marketing Manager for Americas Region