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Recognizing our HPE Stars this Black History Month

Atlanta Black History Month Award Winners  - John Wilson, Key Contributor; Cecelia Henley, Shining Star; TJ Helm, Key Contributor; Gerald Wheeler, Community ServiceAtlanta Black History Month Award Winners - John Wilson, Key Contributor; Cecelia Henley, Shining Star; TJ Helm, Key Contributor; Gerald Wheeler, Community Service

Hewlett Packard Enterprise annually celebrates Black History Month.   On February 27, we are holding our 10th annual Black History Month global webcast out of our Houston campus  Our annual event provides us the opportunity to recognize employees who make a difference throughout the year.

This year we are recognizing five employees as “stars”. 

The “Brilliant Star” Award recognizes employees whose phenomenal performance has been recognized in the community as well as by HPE. We have two Brilliant Star award winners this year, Clesmie Burden and Cari Hawthorne.

Clesmie BurdenClesmie BurdenClesmie Burden has gone above and beyond in not only his work environment but his impact in the community. He volunteers at both North Texas and Houston Food Banks. You can catch Clesmie at the food bank rummaging and sorting through food to help provide for the underprivileged and children of our community.

Clesmie engages and mentors low-income students at Dallas schools sharing with them what you can achieve in your career as well as teaching them the simplest of attributes like confidence and how to tie a tie. At HPE, he mentors newly hired inside sales representatives. A notable accomplishment was helping to develop a mobile reporting app for HPE sales and marketing enablement.



Cari HawthorneCari HawthorneCari Hawthorne is an HR Business Partner. She keeps the rest of Human Resources abreast of the initiatives she is driving in the group she supports. 

Cari authored a book,  “Things you didn't learn in school: Unfiltered tips to help early career professionals successfully navigate the workplace”.  

She writes a career blog with practical tips on how to navigate the workplace. In her blog, Cari provides guidance on what it takes to start and thrive in your career. She is an Army Veteran and Certified Human Resources Professional. As a specialist in career coaching, talent management, recruiting and training and development she makes a meaningful impact at the individual as well as the corporate level.




The “Shining Star” Award recognizes employees for their stellar performance and internal achievements at HPE as well as external industry accomplishments. We recognize three Shining Stars this year, Sidney Del Taylor, Cecelia Henley, and DaVonte Logan.


Sidney Del TaylorSidney Del TaylorSidney Del Taylor is being recognized for quickly embracing the HPE technology culture. He enthusiastically presented the HPE Space Born supercomputer in the Mars Habitat to HPE customers and partners at HPE Discover. Sidney is the Networking Chair for the Houston Black Employee Network (BEN) where he organizes social and networking events. Sidney displays a can-do attitude and quickly connects with other employee resource groups.  He values Inclusion and Diversity.



Cecelia HenleyCecelia HenleyCecelia Henley is a great leader. She advances HPE’s vision and mission by building up the people around her. In 2017, she was recognized as an HPE Women Excellence Award Winner. One of her colleagues shared; “By watching Cecelia and taking in everything I could, it was like attending a Master Class for Customer Service and diplomacy. She always looks to advance HPE's vision and mission by building up the people around her. She is by far one of the most amazing women to work with and for.”



Davonte LoganDavonte LoganDavonte Logan is an HR professional based out of Houston. On the HPE Houston campus, he can be seen having a one-on-one conversation and other coaching sessions with his colleagues.  Davonte shares his knowledge through a podcast, Mighty Morphing HR Changers. He is a savvy HR Business Partner and an influential leader who is creating outstanding employee experiences.





HPE is so fortunate to have these stars shining the path for others to succeed. We are proud to recognize our employees this Black History Month.

Next week we will be sharing our Community Service Champions! 

For more information about our Culture and Life at HPE follow us on HPE Careers Facebook and Twitter.



Susan Graye
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