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The stars are bright on Broadway - especially the rising stars

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The Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) believes in connecting Latino leaders for impact as well as building the next generation of leaders – what it calls Rising Stars. This year, the organization selected Glenys Calzadilla from HPE Financial Services as one of those future leaders. 

Glenys attended ALPFA’s exclusive Most Powerful Latinas event in Manhattan which included networking opportunities as well as workshops focused on career and community advancement. “Seeing and meeting so many Latinas in important positions within Fortune 500 companies shows how much we’ve achieved,” says Glenys. She left the event inspired to continue to work hard and develop professionally: “We need more Latinos in management positions.”

Glenys Calzadilla, HPE Financial Services,Americas Collections and Recovery Manager at The Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) Most Powerful Latinas Event in Manhattan (right)Glenys Calzadilla, HPE Financial Services,Americas Collections and Recovery Manager at The Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) Most Powerful Latinas Event in Manhattan (right)

Learning fast in a new country

Glenys came to the United States from the Dominican Republic and entered the 8th grade not knowing any English. By the time she was a sophomore year in High School she was nearly fluent and already taking classes in English.

That’s the thing about rising stars – they tend to ascend quickly.

And she continues to learn

Being bilingual is an important skill for her role in HPE Financial Services as Americas Collections and Recovery Manager. In this role, Glenys is responsible for managing the company’s accounts receivable for Canada, the U.S. and Latin America. It requires working with customers to ensure timely payments and working toward a resolution when an account is not keeping current. In addition to managing the Recovery Team she also manages a group of vendors across the region.


Glenys Calzadilla, HPE Financial Services, Americas Collections and Recovery ManagerGlenys Calzadilla, HPE Financial Services, Americas Collections and Recovery Manager

The job is never boring. To understand each situation, Glenys has to dig deep into the customer’s scenario, the account details and even the local laws and tax implications. “I need to take something apart, examine the pieces, understand it and put it back together again. I’m always learning something new.”

Glenys joined HPE eight years ago as a Recovery Specialist. Four years later, she was promoted to the team’s manager.

“I’m thrilled that HPE nominated me for this recognition and provides employees the opportunity to grow in their careers.” 

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Susan Graye
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