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Wondering how you can make an impact as a young employee? Meet DACH Shadow Board!



On May 17, 2021, HPE DACH launched its first DACH Shadow Board. The Shadow Board is a young-employee-led advisory board with the objective to advise the HPE DACH Leadership Team on specific strategic and operational decisions. With this initiative, we are striving for bold moves and a yes we can attitude.

The Shadow Board complements the many years of executive experience with new perspectives from our young talents. Young employees who are still at the beginning of their careers usually bring a fresh lens and perspective to discussions where new and disruptive ideas are needed. Additionally, they will help cover the perspectives and needs of the young generation, thus closing the gap between the leadership team and the young generation. Generation Y and Z will soon make up the majority of the workforce, so it is important that they have a voice now and can help shape the future of the company.

The DACH Shadow Board consists of eight young employees with a strong motivation to bring their perspective to management decisions. Whenever the leadership team needs advice on a specific topic, they will contact the Shadow Board to work on a concept or decision proposal. We are happy that we can announce a truly diverse board in terms of job positions, business units, gender, countries, and skills. Our eight Shadow Board talents are Sarah Ripke, Marcus Friedrich, Erika Root, Christoph Welles, Karlo Kraljic, Friederike Heckmann, Simon Weber and Charul Chandra.




As part of the Shadow Board assignment, we will match each Shadow Board member with an executive for Reverse Mentoring. Unlike usual mentoring, reverse mentoring is a switch of roles: the young employee is the mentor, and the executive is the mentee. For example, the (executive) mentee learns about social media, mobility, and other new trends in technology from the (young) mentor and the (young) mentor learns about business and industry practices from the (executive) mentee.

We are looking forward to the upcoming 12 months and wish all DACH Shadow Board Talents and the DACH Leadership Team a successful program.

A special  "Thank You" to our DACH Shadow Board Program Office: Wiebke Melcher, Carla Douw, Claudia Laubichler, Selvie Aliu, Ann-Sophie Maucher

About the Author:

Ann-Sophie Maucher, HR I&D Operations at HPE DACHAnn-Sophie Maucher, HR I&D Operations at HPE DACHAnn-Sophie Maucher is a Corporate Master Student working for HR, Inclusion & Diversity DACH. She is driving initiatives focusing on Gender & Age Diversity. After her graduation in October 2021, she will join the HR DACH team.

Stay connected to Ann-Sophie via Linkedin and learn more about HPE DualStudy Program here. But, if what you are looking for is to start a brilliant career, explore HPE Careers, and start your journey today! 





Desiree Chavez
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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Employer brand and digital media evangelist. Proactively searching for new trends and best in class practices to find, converse, share, engage and refer potential candidates and bring the best Talent for the company.