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Essential questions in Digital Transformation and answers that will knock your socks off

I’m sure you’ve heard the following words or phrases applied to Digital Transformation:  “must,” “ASAP,” “survival” “essential,” “don’t wait,” “left behind.”  What you don’t hear as often are questions you’re probably asking yourself about how to get transformation done quickly and easily. So HPE has put together an HPE – Microsoft Expert Roundtable at Microsoft Ignite to provide you with the answers. A recording of this session will be available on demand beginning September 22 through the HPE partner page for Microsoft Ignite.  Simply register for this virtual event to attend the Roundtable at your convenience.    

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Questioning the trends, realities, approaches and technologies

The questions we’ll be addressing have nothing to do with marketing. Instead, they approach each topic in-depth, providing answers that will help you make the transformation experience seamless, plus create new digital business models and revenue streams, a new workforce, and next-generation operating models. To ensure the discussion is highly-focused, we have divided the questions into three critical areas we feel are essential to successful transformation:

  1. Edge-centric
  2. Data- driven
  3. Cloud-enabled  

Here are some of the questions our experts will be dealing with in each of these areas:


  • CX is everything these days. What are we seeing? Is technology really changing the way people live and work? If so, where can we see it in action? What are the biggest post-COVID digital transformation catalysts?
  • We are seeing increased digitizing of the physical world. What does that mean? Are we moving from control at the edge closer to autonomy of the edge? Is AI/ML the key to unlocking the scale of the digitized edge? How will 5G/WiFi6 change the game here? We keep hearing OT & IT at the edge – is it really converging? What have been the early lessons learned?


  • AI/ML feels mainstream in our conversations now. Is that a reality? Is it use case driven.? If so, what are some of the top ones from real-world experiences? What's with the rise of the chief data officer? Are data scientists the new kingmakers?
  • Digital Transformation affects how you deliver your key activities. What’s the biggest impact on customer operating models seen so far? Also, what’s the biggest constraint in a transformation ambition? Why does Forbes say 72% of enterprises are stalling in the DX strategy? Is digital-first culture really a top agenda item?
  • Cyber security presents huge concerns, at the edge in the cloud. What are the current challenges and responses? How do you trust a hyper-connected everything model (zero trust?). OK, beyond regulation and compliance what about ethics and transparency?


  • Looks like software will “eat the world.” How quickly is the world of cloud native changing the agenda here? What's the impact of the rise of containers? Is DevSecOps going mainstream? Is infrastructure just code now?
  • How is digital transformation impacting our customers’ existing IT landscape? Are core systems like ERP in scope here2020_Microsoft_Ignite_540x304 - Kopie.jpg for the majority of our customers? Is this just a move to the cloud journey … or is it hybrid? Why … what are the critical constraints here? Can you start a transformation journey here in the core? How is this related to the edge? 

Great questions. Now, who has the answers?

Great questions deserve equally great answers. And exactly what you’ll get from our panel of recognized and respected experts in areas like cloud, productivity, edge, modernization, intelligence, trust, and more. Here’s who will be participating:  

  • Craig Partridge – Senior Director Worldwide, Digital Advisory & Transformation Practice Lead, HPE Pointnext Services
  • Tom Bradicich,PhD - Hewlett Packard Fellow, Edge-to-Cloud Solutions & Strategy
  • Scott Thomson - HPE GreenLake Cloud Services Specialist
  • Alexey Gerasimov - Vice President, Global Cloud Delivery, HPE Pointnext Services
  • Peter Mansell - Global Services Director, Digital Workplace

Ooops. Almost forgot. After this session, one more person will have the expert answers … and that will be you.

Again, this Microsoft Ignite recorded session will be available starting September 22. Register today to attend.   

For more information

Additional information on HPE’s presence at Microsoft Ignite 2020 is available:

More information on the 30-year HPE-Microsoft partnership can be found on the HPE – Microsoft alliance page

About the Author


Urs Renggli is the Global Marketing Lead for the Microsoft and SAP Alliances, directing all aspects of HPE's global alliance marketing strategy and partner marketing. He is responsible for developing and implementing end-to-end sales and marketing Initiatives and programs. Urs has spent a number of years at both HPE and Microsoft and understands both the power and importance of this strategic alliance in terms of the solutions it delivers to customers.