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Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

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Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

I acknowledge the breach of ettiquette pointed out when someone did this for me at 50K, but to me this is special.


Bill Hassell took the time to sit with me for hours in the Atlanta Airport, months before my emmigration to Israel to discuss my plans, and in general impart wisdom on me.

Let met tell you, the resevior of wisdom is vast.

The bottom line is that Bill is astute, smart, polite and generous, everything I've alwasy wanted to be but never quite gotten to.

Congrats on the milestone.

This is a Pete Randall Congrats thread.
5 points for a response 10 from the author.

If you don't want the points, post. Not being the gentleman BH is, I might not respect your request.


Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Luk Vandenbussche
Honored Contributor

Re: Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

Nice Job Bill,

Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

Steve hit the nail on the head with the "vast reservoir" comment. The depth and breadth of Bill's knowledge is truly astounding and, as usual, I stand in awe of that knowledge and the man himself.

Well done, Bill!


Geoff Wild
Honored Contributor

Re: Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

Well done Bill!

Your contribution to the forums and to HP-UX in general is amazing!

He's run boot camps, seminars...etc...etc...

A couple of quotes from third parties:

"The one and only Bill Hassell has spent time with us helping to improve SarCheck's algorithms" from:

"Everyone leaves Bill's classes inspired and much better inform" from:


Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make all your paths straight.
Honored Contributor

Re: Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

Congratulations Bill,

For ALL of the worthwhile comments, help, and wisdom. I have great appreciation and respect for all of your work, contributions and efforts in the forum and the HP community as whole.


We are the people our parents warned us about --Jimmy Buffett
Sorrel G. Jakins
Valued Contributor

Re: Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

Bill is right up there with all the fundi's, and it is he and people like him that makes this a fun place to be.

A handy man when you're in a jam.

Respected Contributor

Re: Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

Congratulations Bill!!..

keep on participating in the forum and let the "resevior of wisdom" delever those wonderful responses in this forum.

We all know, you are the best here...

Great work and all the best for ur next 10K to become Olympian!!!.

Raj D.
Honored Contributor

Re: Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K


Many many congratulations! on reaching this milestone! Your contributions are very important and worth replies from your knowledge bank.

Keep contributing,

" If u think u can , If u think u cannot , - You are always Right . "
Honored Contributor

Re: Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

Hakuna Matata.
Henk Geurts
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Congrats to Bill Hassell on 3-10K

hi Bill
congrats on your 30K.
it's was in the opportinity to hear you speak at the interex seminar in Amstelveen , Netherland this year.
I learned a lot that day .....
Henk Geurts