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Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

Hakki Aydin Ucar
Honored Contributor

DVD mount error for .ISO

I am going to change OS HP-UX 11iv2 to Redhat Linux 5.6 in rx2660 integritiy server.
I have the software in .iso format and burned to DVD. And for check purpose put DVD on DVD ROM.
and issued the command;
# mount -F cdfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /DVD
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0: unrecognized file system
# fstyp /dev/dsk/c0t0d0
unknown_fstyp (no matches)

is it normal to see these errors due to different type of DVD on driver ?
( if I go to boot it will work ? )
OR I did a burning mistake for .iso format ??
any advice ?

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

I remember there was a patch related to "mount" - this could be a reason for the problem.

However, test to boot the DVD and you will see if it works.

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

No support by private messages. Please ask the forum!

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Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

A bootable DVD is not necessarily a format that can be mounted. Normally, a boot DVD would have the initial boot loader code at the beginning of the disc, not a filesystem. There are techniques to combine both but it must be built differently than a simple mountable filesystem. For instance, HP-UX install DVDs are bootable and mountable. Does the .iso image description from Redhat state that it is mountable?

Bill Hassell, sysadmin
Hakki Aydin Ucar
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

>Bill: Does the .iso image description from Redhat state that it is mountable?

I downloaded the Redhat image from a partner company ftp server ( due to the agrement between the customer and them upon software upgrade deal of third party applications of company ) , so I do not have this type of info.
But I will ask them today.
And I m going to checksums of software by uploading to the site now.
Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

Any reason you don't check it on a Linux box?
Or just try booting it?
Hakki Aydin Ucar
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

>Denis: Any reason you don't check it on a Linux box?
Or just try booting it?

No reason to to check on Linux and I have completely forgotten that I have a Linux already in my notebook to check.
Thanks for heads up.

Tomorrow I will try booting after backups completed.(informix backup still in progress)

Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

> I have the software in .iso format and
> burned to DVD. [...]

> I downloaded the Redhat image from a
> partner company ftp server [...]

Even knowing none of the details, I can think
of several possible problems along that path.

I just loaded a home-made Debian GNU/Linux
DVD-R (for PowerPC) into my handy HP-UX
system, and it's happy as a bivalve.

dyi # uname -a
HP-UX dyi B.11.31 U ia64 4235313755 unlimited-user license

dyi # mount -F cdfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom

dyi # ls -l /cdrom
total 1498
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Jan 31 2010 .disk
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 9569 Jan 31 2010 README.html
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 132282 Jan 31 2010 README.mirrors.html
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 69720 Jan 31 2010 README.mirrors.txt
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 379 Jan 31 2010 README.source
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 6062 Jan 31 2010 README.txt
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 Jan 31 2010 css
lr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1 Jan 31 2010 debian -> .

> any advice ?

I don't know who made this so-called DVD
image file, or how, or exactly how you did
the FTP transfer (binary, I hope), or exactly
how you made the DVD (using which software,
on which hardware), so, no, I have no advice.
Well, I'd advise you not to expect much from
any supposed Red Hat DVD which you can't
mount on any UNIX(-like) system.
Hakki Aydin Ucar
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

> Steven: I don't know who made this so-called DVD
image file, or how, or exactly how you did
the FTP transfer (binary, I hope), or exactly
how you made the DVD

I downloaded source as binary and did a (md5sum) checksum in Fedora PC , passed .
I use Nero burning as data DVD, and not sure it is compatible with HP-UX OR Redhat Linux ?

Any advise to burn DVDs for sake of compatibility of OS ?
Horia Chirculescu
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

>Tomorrow I will try booting after backups completed.(informix backup still in progress)

Did you try to boot the DVD on your laptop?

Maybe you have writing errors due to bad media or maybe high writing speed? (Try to write again a new media at 4x).

Best regards
Best regards from Romania,
Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: DVD mount error for .ISO

> I downloaded source as binary [...]

You downloaded what, exactly? A disc image
of a bootable DVD (I hope)?

> I use Nero burning as data DVD, and not
> sure it is compatible with HP-UX OR Redhat
> Linux ?

There may be more than one version of Nero
out there, and it may have an option or two
which might affect how the DVD was made. I
didn't see what you did, and my psychic
powers are very weak. A disc image is a disc
image, but some too-smart disc-writing
software might try to "help" you by "fixing"
the data before writing them, or you may have
made a "data DVD" which _contains_ the disc
image as a data file. Can you read the DVD
on the system where you made it?

> Any advise to burn DVDs for sake of
> compatibility of OS ?

Many things are possible. I've made Debian
DVDs using cdrtools/cdrecord on a VMS system,
so it's certainly possible to get the job
done using good software on the "wrong" OS.
I'd guess that you need to tell Nero that
you want to make a disc from a disc image.
Saying "data DVD" may not do that.